Webkinz Zingoz Pop

  1. Webkinz Zingoz Pop Bonus
  2. Webkinz
  3. Webkinz Zingoz Pop Game
  4. Webkinz Zingoz Pop Bonus

Want to play our NEW version of Zingoz Pop, but aren’t a Deluxe Member? It’s the Game of the Day today in the Webkinz Arcade (web and desktop app), which mean EVERYONE can play! Webkinz zingoz pop arcade game game of the day kids desktop kids games bonus play. This is a Lot of 7 Different Webkinz Doodlez Trading Cards. This lot includes 7 different Doodlez Cards Dr. These cards are RARE! Beautiful Cards! Zingoz Pop is now available in the Arcade on both Webkinz.com and the Webkinz Desktop app for Deluxe Members. If you are not a Deluxe Member, you will soon be able to either unlock the game for a small fee on the Webkinz mobile app, or purchase it as a standalone app in.


Zingoz Pop Update

Webkinz Zingoz Pop Bonus

Zingoz Pop had a makeover! The game in the arcade is updated & awards a Silver Zingoz Pop Trophy!

In addition to winning the Gold Zingoz Pop Trophy for completing all 30 levels, you’ll now also be able to win a BONUS Silver Zingoz Pop Trophy when you play. This trophy was originally created when Zingoz Pop was first released, but wasn’t awarded due to a glitch in the game.


How do you win it the Silver Zingoz Pop Trophy? You’ll need to drop a total of 40 colored balls on a single level. You can see your progress by watching the BONUS meter fill up on the left side of the screen. “Dropped” colored balls are any that fall down after an initial group is popped. Like the Gold Zingoz Pop Trophy, the silver trophy can be won multiple times, but only once per game.

Zingoz Pop is now available in the Arcade on both Webkinz.com and the Webkinz Desktop app for Deluxe Members. If you are not a Deluxe Member, you will soon be able to either unlock the game for a small fee on the Webkinz mobile app, or purchase it as a standalone app in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Keep watching Webkinz Newz for the announcement once Zingoz Pop is approved and released in all of our current mobile platforms.

Webkinz Zingoz Pop Game

Still prefer to play the original version of Zingoz Pop? You can find the classic Zingoz Pop game in the quick Tournaments section of the Tournament Arena.

Webkinz Zingoz Pop

Webkinz Zingoz Pop Bonus

First, let's get you to the ...
It's really simple; just click on your Things To Do Tab and look for 'Arcade' {circled in red in the picture below}.
Clicking that link will take you to this screen {or the screen for that day, with different game of the day and so on}:
For the most part the games are alphabetical in the scrolling window; the last released game is usually first in the scrolling area and the game of the day is above where the list/pictures scroll.
When you click on the graphic since it is a link what will show up on the right side in the box instead of the game of the day {unless that is the game of the day} would be:
Of course from there you simply click on play game which will take you to the game screen to choose your option {it is only a 1 player game so that is not an option here} and/or to read the instructions.
The premise is to use the left and right arrow keys to move the pointer and the up arrow to shoot a bubble. If you match 3 or more bubbles of the same color together then they pop and go away. Pop all the bubbles in that level screen to go to the next level. You can't let the bubbles pass the Game Over line at the bottom or you lose that life. There are 4 different Special Powers to choose from. If you pop the glowing bubble that uses them. Bubbles attached to popped bubbles will drop {those under hanging from them}. You get 1 KC for every 40 points earned.
The instructions mention a 2 player game; however there is none available now, just an Easy or Normal level game for 1 player. In the previous 2 player game the first person to win 2 matches wins the game; the 2nd player uses the A and D keys to move the pointer and the W key to shoot a bubble. Popping groups of 4 or more bubbles or dropping bubbles will cause bubbles to appear on your opponents side in a 2 person game.
The Easy game is faster and easier but you earn less kc for playing it at that level. The Special Powers that can be chosen from are the Bowling Ball which will blast through a whole line of bubbles of any kind. The Burst Bubble pops all bubbles of the same color that it touches no matter where the bubbles are on the board. Super Bubble pops all the bubbles around the bubble it actually touches. Line Guide helps to aim your bubbles exactly where you want them to go. The one you want to choose depends on what you have the most trouble with {lining up a shot, getting to upper colors, whatever}. Remember that Easy play is easier with only 10 levels instead of the normal play which is 30 levels so it's better for beginners, kids and so on but you can only win a trophy if you complete 30 levels so that's Normal not Easy. The biggest difference between the Easy and Normal is that you get the 'aiming' line at the start of every level. After you choose the type of game you get to choose a power {mentioned above}. They suggest that beginners use the bowling ball or super bubble while the more experienced players in this game will find the rainbow ball is more useful to them especially in the later levels. No one seems sure what makes any of the power balls just show up in the game itself, whether you picked it or not. The points issue is much simpler; more points for dropping more balls. The faster you go through a level the more lives you will still have but with an overall lower score than you would have had otherwise. Some way more experienced players make the balls land where they can then set up another like ball in the center to get more balls and so more points but it is very risky to do this if you are not getting better at playing the game.
Levels 1 through 4 are all relatively easy no matter which type of game you are playing. Level 4 in particular has all the balls connected to the purples at the top so if you can clear out the center enough to get to the purple you can clear them all out at once with a lot of time to spare. Most say that level 5 is great for earning points; when the silver trophy was being given out this was the best level to get it on. I have read where if you are going for points you get as many points as you can on this level {5} then die on purpose {twice} because if you get maximum points 3 times on this level you will score higher. The downside is you risk dying later on and not having any extra lives to use but it depends on how badly you want those higher scores if you want to risk things. In this level, too, the easiest way around it is to clear out the purple and/or the green in teh middle then clear out the blue 'V' so it drops a bunch of balls which should leave it pretty easy to clear out the rest. Level 6 isn't particularly hard but 2 red balls are in the middle that cause trouble for quite a few; it is recommended to use the rainbow ball to get rid of those 2 {if you can} or quickly work to get rid of all the balls around them. Going on up to level 8 they suggest you need to take the first yellow ball to the right then the first green to the left and then remove the orange balls on either side so you can angle to the right and left to get to the ones that are holding them all up. Level 9 is easy if you can use the rainbows on screen to help shape up the level; this level can be hard if you can not bounce off sides or shoot directly up the middle, however. Level 10 on Normal is same as that on Easy except there is an extra color. The bumper balls here can be used to discard balls you don't want. In level 11 most isolate the white balls below the rainbow and then free up the bottom half of the level. This is a level where you definitely need to know how and where to 'discard' balls. Level 12 is easy if you clear the levels from left to right and make sure to not get them connected with balls you are shooting up. Level 13 will need you to clear out the pinks and the blues in the middle so that the right hand column does not get attached to the sticky balls; then you use a white or orange ball on teh rainbow to clear out a good bit of what's left. Level 14 is said to be pretty easy to see how to clear it all out. Level 15 is very fast to do if you have the rainbow ball; if you hit an orange ball you can take out most of the screen; otherwise they say to try to clear out the yellow as early as possible to limit the number of different balls that you can get then working on getting rid of the colors as you go {and sometimes hope for luck}.
Level 18 is one of the trickiest levels to get through; most say to try to get rid of the yellows on the left side then the pink above that so that you open a path of purples in the middle then using either pink or yellow on the right so you can take out a large part of the middle. Level 19 is mostly about good aim; get rid of the yellow and gray on the sides then work away the colors/balls to get rid of the blues on the top. Level 20 is mostly about aiming too so you can aim the balls and pair up colors; all colors are open at the beginning of the game so there is always something to pair a ball up with. Later in that level if you need the bounce to discard balls then go ahead and most use the rainbow ball to get rid of the red balls here. Level 21 is mostly aiming and avoiding the black sticky ball in the middle; you have to get a green ball here to be able to get through this level. Level 22 is easy to build up rows on so you can drop larger sections; Level 23 is just matching up balls as well plus here if you use the rainbow ball you can pretty much reduce the board to only 2 colors. Level 24 is nice to have rainbow ball on too if you hit one of the red sticky balls, and you need good aim here, too. Level 26 is challenging; places to discard and places to pair up but you need good aim and to work steadily through the level. They normally try to get the purple and white in the middle of Level 27 first and discard balls if they aren't one of that color until they get to the point where there are only 2 bumpers left; to get the purple and white you aim to the left or right wall about halfway up {which may take some practice}. SPARKING BALL MEANS YOU WILL GET A POWER BALL IF YOU CAN DROP IT, YOU CAN DISCARD BALLS OFF THE BOUNCERS, AND THE POWER BALL WILL NOT DISAPPEAR AS LONG AS YOU ARE DISCARDING BALLS OFF BOUNCERS. {This can be very helpful in a few different levels}. Level 28 is best if you get rid of the pink and white and yellow balls as soon as possible leaving the green and grey and purple which are all 'connectors'; if you have the rainbow ball you can hit the purple and drop most of the screen out. Level 29 is another challenging level where you need to try to keep the columns from connecting, good proper aim and setting up places to discard colors you don't need. Level 30 is about luck, sometimes and sometimes not; get rid of the yellow and purple first putting pink and grey on the sides. Good shots to put the pink and purple at top center as the screen comes down; 5 spots at top to put the balls, and overall all this is rather hard to do every game at this level. It does help here again to have the rainbow ball as the power because if you get a powerup you can get rid of one of the colors {which needs to be the pink or purple here}.
There is a trophy for this game; there used to be two. The current one is gold; the other one was silver. They were won in different ways. The gold trophy is winnable by completing all 30 levels of the entire game. The silver trophy, no longer available to win since retired March 9th 2007, was if you dropped 40 balls in one level. Zingoz Pop is only game to date that ever gave out more than one kind of trophy.