Webkinz Hairdresser Game

  1. Sue Hairdresser Game
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  4. Webkinz Hairdresser Games

What is the Webkinz Stadium?

Sue Hairdresser Game

Webkinz World® is a multi-award winning virtual world for boys and girls aged 6+. On Webkinz.com, players discover a whole world of fun while they adopt and play with their pets, decorate rooms, complete challenges, play games, collect prizes, and chat with their friends!

The Webkinz Stadium is a place where Webkinz animals can compete against other Webkinz animals. There are only two types of competitions currently (as of July 27th, 2008). The two competitions arethe Beauty Pageant and the Cooking Competition. If you compete and win in these competitions, you can win Kinzcash!

How do you compete in the Beauty Pageant?

You start by figuring out when the next Beauty Pageant contestis. To find the next competition, go to the Webkinz Stadium on Things to Do, andclick View Schedule. It will show the next time a BeautyPageant is scheduled. Once the day and time of the pageantcomes, wait for the Enter Pet sign to turn green, and click itto begin. There are only 5,000 slots available for thiscompetition, so bequick! Select the animal you want to enter thecompetition, and click Enter Pet. Entering the pageanttakes $25 Kinzcash. Once you've entered your pet, the funbegins! It's time to dress up your animal!

What are some tips and tricks for dressing your pet?

The judges seem to like W Shop clothes, along with rare clothes,which can be found in the Curio Shop. They also like tosee clothes that are exclusive (which can be purchased at astore that sells Webkinz products). These exclusiveclothes come with a code that you can enter into the Webkinzwebsite and that item then is available for your virtual petto wear.
The judges also like you to use common sensewhen wearing your clothes! Don't put everything you haveon to try to impress them, because they won't be. Trymixing and matching clothes from the Curio Shop and anyexclusive clothing you have, along with clothes from the W Shopto create a neat and awesome look for your animal! Remember, less is sometimes more!

How do you win the Beauty Pageant?

For the Beauty Pageant, there are 10 winners, 1st place to 10th place. 1st place receives $9000 Kinzcashand a special prize!! Here's a breakdown of all of the Kinzcashfor all the winners:

How do you compete in the Cooking Competition

Step 1: Enter the competition
Step 2: Watch your pet!
Step3: Wait for results!
Seriously, there's not too much to this competition otherthan signing up! The cooking is all done for youautomatically. Your score is based, in part, on youranimal's creativity level. So the best thing you can do tohelp you in this competition is to keep working on your skillsat the KinzVille Academy!

Giving eStore points as a gift just got a lot easier with a Webkinz Game Card!

Learn More about Webkinz Game Cards below!

How do I use a Webkinz Game Card?

Webkinz Game Cards are redeemed for eStore Points, which can be used at both the Ganz eStore (ganzestore.com) or at the Webkinz WShop within Webkinz World. Purchased game cards can be redeemed by following the instructions below.

To use your Game Card in Webkinz World:

  • Log into your Webkinz account.
  • Open the Things to Do menu and go to the Webkinz eStore.
  • Enter the code found on your Game Card into the eStore Points Code field.
  • Click the 'Redeem Code' button.
  • If you entered the code correctly, the points will be added to your account and you’ll be able to start shopping right away!

To use your Game Card at the Ganz eStore:

WebkinzWebkinz Hairdresser Game
  • Log into your Ganz eStore account.
  • Click on 'eStore Points' in the Nav Bar.
  • Scroll down, past the options to buy eStore Points.
  • Enter the code found on your Game Card into the Redeem Points Code field.
  • Click the 'Redeem' button.
  • If you entered the code correctly, the points will be added to your Ganz eStore account and you’ll be able to start shopping right away!
What are eStore Points?
eStore Points are the currency used to purchase premium virtual items for all Ganz virtual worlds.
What can I buy with eStore Points?
In Webkinz World you can purchase exclusive premium virtual items and clothing for your Webkinz pets that cannot be purchased any other way. If you enter your code at the Ganz eStore, you can also use your points to purchase Virtual Webkinz Pets, Virtual Charms for the Charm Forest and virtual MAZIN' Hamsters.
Can I trade or sell items purchased with eStore Points?
Items purchased through either eStore cannot be traded, sent through KinzPost or sold at the W Shop.
What happens if I don’t want my eStore item anymore?
There are no refunds or exchanges on virtual items purchased with eStore points. Please only purchase items you are sure that you want.

Makeover Games

Do eStore Points expire?
eStore Points do not expire. They can be used at any time while your account is active.

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What happens if my Webkinz account expires?
To use your eStore Points and the items purchased with your eStore Points, your account must be active. If your account expires, you will need to adopt a new Webkinz pet, or sign up for a Deluxe account, which keeps your account open for as long as you are a Deluxe member.

Webkinz Hairdresser Games

I entered my code and nothing happened, or I got the wrong amount.
For technical issues with the redemption of your Game Card, please contact our eStore Customer Service team at ganzestorecs@ganz.com.