Webkinz House


  1. Webkinz House Tour
  2. Webkinz House Ideas

Jan 24, 2009  I have two computers in my house one is mine and one is my little brother's. He really likes me to play with him on webkinz and it gets him so excited. When we were both online and in the smae zone it wouldn't let me invite him to my house. Now he's really sad and wants me to come to his house. What should I do?!?!?!?!


Webkinz House Tour

To go to another players house on webkinz they have to inviteyou. You cant ask them to do this but if you invite them it is verylikely that they invite you back. To invite someone, they have tobe on your 'friends list', and they have to be on at the same timeas you. Once you know who you are going to invite, click on thephone that is on the bottom right and click on that players name,then click 'invite'. the player will be sent a message saying'______ is inviting you to their house. Would you like to go? YESor NO' If the player clicks no then you are in bad luck but if theyclick yes then they will arive at your house soon. Have fun! I hopethat helps...

Webkinz House Ideas

To invite a friend over to your house on Webkinz: Go to 'Myhouse/my room.' once you are in a room, turn on your pager. If youhere a 'YOOHOO!' and see someone's user-name appear next to a greenopen-mouthed smiley face, you can then click on their name and thenchoose 'invite' on your phone. Then the person you invited caneither say no, or say yes, and then appear in your house, alongwith a doorbell sound, in the same room you are currently in. Itmight take a while for your friend to appear, because he/she mustload your room. To send someone home, choose Send All Home' andthey will leave. If you want to go to someone else's house, theyhave to follow the steps above. You don't have to be in your ownhouse to accept someone else's invitation.