Webkinz Golden Pegasus

Oct 21, 2010  Make sure this fits by entering your model number.; Webkinz Golden Pegasus HM401 June Release 2010 Each Webkinz pet comes with a secret code Add this great new Webkinz Golden Pegasus to your Webkinz Collection. The online Webkinz Pegasus looks like the plush model and uses its wings in the virtual planet to allow it to fly around. There are multiple versions of the Webkinz Pegasus, including a pink plush toy. There is also a golden Pegasus as well as a special pink and rainbow plush Pegasus pet. There are also miniature versions called lil' Pegasus kinz. Sign up for a free account to play games, care for your pets, make friends and decorate your rooms!

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>>>> Only $51.99 Best Buy Webkinz toys are a collection of very special plush pets. Every Webkinz pet wears a tag with a secret code that can only be read after purchase. This code is the password into Webkinz World, an online world for the young at heart. After they log in, kids can name and adopt their new pet, learn all about it, play and have fun. Furnish a room, chat with other members, play trivia challenges and visit the arcade. Shop for clothes, food, toys and furniture at the W Shop. Welcome to our Webkinz & Lilkinz World! Webkins is an exciting online virtual experience where your plush pet comes to life. Each plush pet comes with a special code that lets you adopt your pet in Webkinz World. All Webkinz and LilKinz sold at ToyWiz.com are guaranteed 100% official authentic Ganz Webkinz. All Webkinz come shipped in mint condition with a sealed unused code!
  • Webkinz Golden Pegasus HM401
  • June Release 2010
  • Each Webkinz pet comes with a secret code
  • Add this great new Webkinz Golden Pegasus to your Webkinz Collection
  • Adopt your very own Webkinz Golden Pegasus
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    Buy Best Prices And Cheapest On Webkinz Golden Pegasus . Best And Lowest Price Guaranteed In USA. Big Save With Free Super Fast Shipping. Select and Order Webkinz Golden PegasusToday To Get Huge Discount And Most Special Offer .

    Webkinz are toy animals that each come with a single-use Secret Code found on the pet's tag that allows access to the Webkinz World website. Each Webkinz and Lil'Kinz comes with a special item, which users can put in their pet's room, and a unique food, which they can feed to their virtual Webkinz. Lil'Kinz are smaller than the usual Webkinz. Some Webkinz can only be bought online at the Ganz eStore. These certain pets are virtual only and do not come with a stuffed version. In August 2008, Ganz released its 100th pet, in October 2009, Ganz released its 200th pet, and in April 2010, Ganz released its 300th pet.

    Webkinz golden pegasus

    Webkinz Golden Pegasus Psi

    List of Webkinz Pets[edit]

    PetRelease MonthTypeMore InfoStatus
    Black and White CatMay 2005Regular WebkinzReleased
    Cheeky DogMay 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2006
    Cheeky CatMay 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2006
    St. BernardMay 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    Gold and White CatMay 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    Basset HoundMay 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    PigMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    LionMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    HippoMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Golden RetrieverMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    ElephantMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthRetired June 2008
    CowMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Cocker SpanielMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Black BearMay 2005Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    UnicornJune 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    MonkeyJune 2005Regular WebkinzRetired November 2008
    Gray and White CatJuly 2005Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    PigNovember 2005Lil'KinzPet of the MonthRetired September 2010
    Black BearNovember 2005Lil'KinzReleased
    Cocker SpanielNovember 2005Lil'KinzReleased
    Black and White CatNovember 2005Lil'KinzReleased
    Monkey2006Lil'KinzRetired January 2008
    Unicorn2006Lil'KinzRetired December 2007
    Gorilla2006Lil'KinzRetired December 2007
    PoodleJanuary 2006Regular WebkinzReleased
    RabbitJanuary 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    HippoJanuary 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    CowJanuary 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    Basset HoundJanuary 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    Golden RetrieverJanuary 2006Lil'KinzPet of the MonthReleased
    FrogJanuary 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    PugJanuary 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    TigerFebruary 2006Regular WebkinzReleased
    RabbitFebruary 2006Regular WebkinzReleased
    PegasusApril 2006Regular WebkinzRetired February 2007
    GorillaApril 2006Regular WebkinzRetired December 2007
    ChihuahuaApril 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    LionMay 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    ElephantMay 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    St. BernardMay 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    Gold and White CatMay 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    HorseMay 2006Regular WebkinzRetired May 2007
    PugMay 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthRetired October 2014
    Alley CatMay 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    White TerrierMay 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Pink PoodleJune 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Cheeky MonkeyJune 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthRetired October 2008
    PoodleJuly 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    ChihuahuaJuly 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    FrogAugust 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    HorseJuly 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    YorkieJuly 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    GooglesSeptember 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    TigerSeptember 2006Lil'KinzRetired December 2009
    GooglesSeptember 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    PandaSeptember 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Gray and White CatOctober 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    Alley CatOctober 2006Lil'KinzReleased
    Orca WhaleNovember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Polar BearOctober 2006Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Tree FrogNovember 2006Regular WebkinzReleased
    Love PuppyDecember 2006Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired March 2007
    Panda2007Lil'KinzRetired March 2008
    Pink PonyJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    BulldogJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    BullfrogJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Persian CatJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    White TerrierJanuary 2007Lil'KinzReleased
    LeopardJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzReleased
    Sherbet BunnyJanuary 2007Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired March 2007
    KoalaFebruary 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Black LabFebruary 2007Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    Tree FrogMarch 2007Lil'KinzReleased
    BeagleMarch 2007Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    YorkieApril 2007Lil'KinzReleased
    Spotted FrogApril 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    ClydesdaleApril 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    DalmatianApril 2007Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    Persian CatMay 2007Lil'KinzReleased
    RaccoonJune 2007Regular WebkinzRetired January 2008
    Chocolate LabJune 2007Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    HuskyJune 2007Regular WebkinzReleased
    Black FriesianJuly 2007Regular WebkinzRetired February 2008
    Black CatAugust 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the Month/SeasonalReleased
    Yellow LabOctober 2007Regular WebkinzRetired October 2008
    ReindeerOctober 2007Regular WebkinzPet of the Month/SeasonalReleased
    German ShepherdOctober 2007Regular WebkinzRetired November 2008
    PenguinNovember 2007Regular WebkinzRetired October 2008
    CollieNovember 2007Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    Brown ArabianNovember 2007Regular WebkinzReleased
    SealNovember 2007Regular WebkinzReleased
    KoalaDecember 2007Lil'KinzReleased
    PenguinDecember 2007Lil'KinzRetired October 2008
    Charcoal CatDecember 2007Regular WebkinzReleased
    Black PoodleJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Grey ArabianJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    DuckJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the Month/SeasonalRetired July 2013
    Polar BearJanuary 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    BulldogJanuary 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Tie Dye FrogJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Velvety ElephantJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    TurtleJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Love FrogJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    PintoJanuary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    LeopardFebruary 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    KangarooFebruary 2008Regular WebkinzRetired July 2010
    SchnauzerFebruary 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Pink and White CatFebruary 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    BullfrogFebruary 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    HimalayanFebruary 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Black and White Cheeky DogFebruary 2008Regular WebkinzRetired May 2008
    Black LabMarch 2008Lil'KinzRetired November 2008
    Pink PoodleMarch 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    DalmatianMarch 2008Lil'KinzRetired November 2008
    Tiger SnakeMarch 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    Bengal TigerMarch 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Brown DogMarch 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    White MouseApril 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Leopard LizardApril 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    American Cocker SpanielApril 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    ChickenApril 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    SamoyedMay 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    Black PoodleMay 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    ChickenMay 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Whimsy DragonMay 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    RhinoMay 2008Regular WebkinzRetired May 2008
    LionessMay 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    GeckoMay 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Black and White Cheeky DogJune 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Striped SnakeJune 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    Pink GooglesJune 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Siamese CatJune 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    ClydesdaleJune 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Lemon Lime GeckoJune 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Spotted LeopardJuly 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    RottweilerJuly 2008Regular WebkinzRetired January 2010
    CrocodileJuly 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    Toco ToucanJuly 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2008
    Grey Wolf (eStore)July 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    Blue JayJuly 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    LionessAugust 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    GeckoAugust 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    DeerAugust 2008Regular WebkinzRetired October 2008
    Silverback GorillaAugust 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Cocoa DinosaurAugust 2008Regular WebkinzRetired August 2008
    Magical RetrieverAugust 2008Virtual OnlyTrading Card Promo PetReleased
    ManateeAugust 2008Regular WebkinzRetired August 2009
    Fantail GoldfishAugust 2008Regular WebkinzRetired August 2008
    SkunkAugust 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    American AlbinoAugust 2008Regular WebkinzRetired July 2008
    Caramel LionAugust 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    BatSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired July 2013
    SealSeptember 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Floral FoxSeptember 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    ChickadeeSeptember 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    SheepSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired August 2008
    Bottlenose DolphinSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    EagleSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2009
    Floppy PigSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired August 2008
    ChipmunkSeptember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired May 2009
    SnowmanOctober 2008Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    Clown FishOctober 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    BubblegumasaurusOctober 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    TinkerpupOctober 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    Pink and White DogOctober 2008Regular WebkinzRetired September 2008
    American BuffaloOctober 2008Regular WebkinzRetired October 2008
    PorcupineOctober 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Blue Trigger FishOctober 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    HummingbirdOctober 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Purple MonsterOctober 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    CatNovember 2008Virtual OnlyDemo PetReleased
    MuttNovember 2008Virtual OnlyDemo PetReleased
    Grey LangurNovember 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    CamelNovember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    CardinalNovember 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    HuskyNovember 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Fire FawnNovember 2008Virtual OnlyReleased
    Orca WhaleNovember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    ParakeetNovember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    DachshundNovember 2008Regular WebkinzReleased
    Wintermint ReindeerDecember 2008Virtual OnlyEmployee Christmas PetReleased
    Minty ReindeerDecember 2008Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Sea OtterDecember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired June 2010
    HedgehogDecember 2008Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Grey SquirrelDecember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired November 2008
    Black PantherDecember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired July 2009
    SeahorseDecember 2008Lil'KinzReleased
    Brown CowDecember 2008Regular WebkinzRetired November 2008
    American GoldenJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Purple Floral FoxJanuary 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    GroundhogJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Purple GoldfishJanuary 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    Blossom FishJanuary 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Emperor DragonJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzRetired January 2014
    Key Lime DinoJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Love MonkeyJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    ChimpanzeeJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Grey OwlJanuary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    CanaryJanuary 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    Mystical PandaFebruary 2009Virtual OnlyTrading Card Promo PetReleased
    LambFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    LambFebruary 2009Lil'KinzSeasonalReleased
    PhoenixFebruary 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Cotton Candy BunnyFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    PelicanFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Mountain GoatFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Irish SetterFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Spotted TurtleFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Blue WhaleFebruary 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Love DinoFebruary 2009Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Pink Glitter FishFebruary 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    Violetwing ButterflyMarch 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Domino CatMarch 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Spotty DinosaurMarch 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    RobinMarch 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    GriffinApril 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Springtime Celebration BunnyApril 2009Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Boston TerrierApril 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    White SwanApril 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Ring Tailed LemurApril 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Arctic FoxApril 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveReleased
    Guinea PigApril 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveReleased
    Signature PandaApril 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    Polka Black FishApril 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    ZebraMay 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Blue GooglesMay 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Jack RussellMay 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Emerald LabMay 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Green Shimmer SnakeMay 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Signature ChimpanzeeMay 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    BudgieMay 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    Springer SpanielJune 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Cherry Blossom BirdJune 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Prehistoric MammothJune 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Pearl PupJune 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Signature Golden RetrieverJune 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    OrioleJune 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    FoxJuly 2009Regular WebkinzRetired August 2013
    Tawny PupJuly 2009Regular WebkinzRetired October 2009
    WalrusJuly 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Cotton Candy SheepJuly 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Ruby RetrieverJuly 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Signature RaccoonJuly 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    Tomato Clown FishJuly 2009Lil'KinzReleased
    Lava DragonAugust 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired October 2009
    LionfishAugust 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Mocha PupAugust 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    IguanaAugust 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Silversoft CatAugust 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Green SeadragonAugust 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Peridot DogAugust 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    PterodactylAugust 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Signature Calico CatAugust 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    CaterpillarSeptember 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Pucker FishSeptember 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    RoosterSeptember 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    OpossumSeptember 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveReleased
    Sabertooth TigerSeptember 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Rainforest BoaSeptember 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Sapphire SpanielSeptember 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Signature Cocker SpanielSeptember 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    GiraffeOctober 2009Regular WebkinzRetired September 2013
    Citrus DragonOctober 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Pink CockatooOctober 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Mud HippoOctober 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Peppermint PuppyOctober 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired December 2010
    Strawberry Cloud LeopardOctober 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveReleased
    Trick or Treat TrollOctober 2009Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Cloud SheepOctober 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Opal PupOctober 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Signature Timber WolfOctober 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    Ribbon UnicornNovember 2009Regular WebkinzRetired January 2010
    WeimaranerNovember 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveRetired February 2010
    LlamaNovember 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    BlufadoodleNovember 2009Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    SharkNovember 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Topaz TerrierNovember 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Spotted Sea MonsterNovember 2009Virtual OnlyReleased
    Signature CheetahNovember 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    Baby PenguinDecember 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    MooseDecember 2009Regular WebkinzReleased
    Daisy TortoiseDecember 2009Regular WebkinzRetired September 2010
    Glamour GeckoDecember 2009Regular WebkinzStore ExclusiveReleased
    Love LionDecember 2009Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired February 2010
    Zircon PuppyDecember 2009Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Sweet Tooth TigerDecember 2009Virtual OnlyEmployee Christmas PetReleased
    Mistletoe MouseDecember 2009Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Signature PenguinDecember 2009Regular SignatureReleased
    Ginger CatJanuary 2010Regular WebkinzRetired June 2010
    Marshmallow BunnyJanuary 2010Regular WebkinzSeasonalReleased
    Portuguese Water DogJanuary 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    TriceratopsJanuary 2010Regular WebkinzRetired January 2010
    Clover PuppyJanuary 2010Regular WebkinzSeasonalRetired July 2013
    Ice FawnJanuary 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Sock MonkeyJanuary 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Garnet RoverJanuary 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Candy LeopardJanuary 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Signature German ShepherdJanuary 2010Regular SignatureReleased
    BeaverFebruary 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    Old English SheepdogFebruary 2010Regular WebkinzRetired September 2013
    Tree KangarooFebruary 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    Love KittenFebruary 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Carousel HorseFebruary 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Amethyst HoundFebruary 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Signature Dutch BunnyFebruary 2010Regular SignatureReleased
    Peace PuppyMarch 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    Bubblegum Cheeky CatMarch 2010Regular WebkinzRetired July 2010
    FerretMarch 2010Regular WebkinzRetired August 2010
    Shar PeiMarch 2010Regular WebkinzRetired November 2013
    Cheshire CatMarch 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Blue Springtime ChickMarch 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Yellow Springtime ChickMarch 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Purple Springtime ChickMarch 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Shamrock DragonMarch 2010Virtual OnlySeasonalReleased
    Aquamarine PuppyMarch 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Sparkling PegasusMarch 2010Virtual OnlyPromo Kinz PetReleased
    Signature PigMarch 2010Regular SignatureReleased
    Small Signature BeagleMarch 2010Regular Small SignatureReleased
    Signature Endangered Bengal TigerMarch 2010Regular Endangered SignatureReleased
    Dazzle DachshundApril 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    DonkeyApril 2010Regular WebkinzRetired September 2010
    Rainbow ArmadilloApril 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    WarthogApril 2010Regular WebkinzReleased
    ThunderbirdApril 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Afghan HoundApril 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Pom Pom ChinchillaApril 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Diamond DoggyApril 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Birthstone PetReleased
    Taurus BullApril 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Zodiac PetReleased
    Signature Short-Haired YorkieApril 2010Regular SignatureReleased
    Small Signature FoxApril 2010Regular Small SignatureReleased
    Signature Endangered Asian ElephantApril 2010Regular Endangered SignatureReleased
    Blueberry Cheeky DogMay 2010Regular WebkinzRetired October 2010
    Pom-Pom KittyMay 2010Regular WebkinzPet of the MonthReleased
    Spotted SealMay 2010Regular WebkinzRetired November 2010
    StegosaurusMay 2010Regular WebkinzRetired October 2010
    Sunflower LionMay 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Magnificent MacawMay 2010Virtual OnlyReleased
    Gemini ButterflyMay 2010Virtual OnlySeasonal; Zodiac PetReleased
    Signature CowMay 2010Regular SignatureReleased
    Small Signature Black BearMay 2010Regular Small SignatureReleased
    Signature Endangered Cape Mountain ZebraMay 2010Regular Endangered SignatureReleased
    Blueberry Cheeky DogMay 2010Regular WebkinzReleased

    External links[edit]

    Webkinz Golden Pegasus Names

    Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Webkinz_stuffed_animals&oldid=937857287'