The best mine to find the Webkinz Diamond is at the BurriedBones Mine. There's still a chance that it could be hidden inanother mine but more likely to be in the Burried Bones Mine. In myentire life, I found 3 diamonds from the only mine and lots ofpeople say they found the Diamond from that mine. Here's a hint forbest mines for gems:

White Gems: Burried Bones Mine
The Webkinz Diamond is a rare gem in Kinzville that can be found when playing Gem Hunt in the Curio Shop.
Yellow Gems: Barking Bad Mine

Green Gems: Flea Floater Mine
Blue Gems: Howling Horse Mine

Red Gems: Muzzle Mouth Mine
For example, the Webkinz Diamond is one of the White Gems. It'sthe easiest to find in the Burried Bones Mine. If you go to thatmine, there's a white backround. The blue gems are often hidden inthe Howling Horse Mine. The backround is blue. So that's thepattern.
Webkinz Diamond
In buried bones mine
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