Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas

Five New Holiday Items added to W-shop

  1. Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas 2019
  2. 12 Days Of Christmas Meaning
  3. Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics
  4. Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas Funny Version
Five new items were added to the W-shop this morning after maintenance to start the Holiday season. All of the items will be available until January 4, 2011. These new items are: Blue Frost Tree, Hickory Clock, Hovering Menorah, Overstuffed Stocking and Winter Wonders window.
If you'd like to see all of the Holiday Items ever offered in Webkinz World, visit our Webkinz Item Picture Gallery.

Today is the last day to visit Ms. Birdy in the Clubhouse during the 12 Days of Christmas! Play the 12 Days of Christmas on Webkinz Friends! By webkinzworld. Dec 11, 2018  For the 2009 season, Ganz added a brand new feature to Webkinz World, the 'Count Down to Christmas'. In this feature, Ms. Birdy visited the Clubhouse in the days leading up to Christmas, December 14th through December 25th, and passed out fantastic Christmas-themed prizes. One gift per account, per day, for twelve days.

Mazin Hamster, Nick Contest announced

Webkinz Newz has just announced a new Contest for December 21st 12:00 am EST until December 31st 11:59pm EST.
This is for Nick The Mazin Hamster. He really loves SantaKinz Workshop and would love to have an awesome room using these Holiday items. Any sized room is all right as long as it is an indoor room. You can use only W-shop items and retired items are also allowed.
Five entries will be selected to win a Virtual Nick Mazin Hamster as their prize.
Webkinz 12 days of christmas song
For more information on Mazin Hamsters and holiday W-shop items check out our WIki.

Peppermint Puppy Retirement Announced

Webkinz Newz has announced that the Peppermint Pup will be going into retirement on Boxing Day, December 26th. There will be a virtual pet available at the eStore for those wishing to have this Holiday pup who was just released Last Christmas.
There will be retirement activities for Peppermint Pup owners as well as the Sailboat Game and a collectible retirement cupcake for everyone who logs in that day.
For more information on Webkinz Pets and Retirement Parties check out our WIki.

Webkinz Insider Christmas in July Contest

Originally Submitted by COWS4YOU on Sat, 07/09/2011 - 12:14am ET.

Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas 2019

The thermometer may say it is hot outside, but here at Webkinz Insider, things are much cooler. We have been wrapping presents and getting them ready for our Christmas in July Contest! There is no time like the Summer Time to have a cool contest like this. We all love opening presents and we have all heard the saying 'Tis better to give than to receive. So for this contest, simply post on this thread what was the best present you ever gave? The contest starts now and will close at 10pm KT on July 24th. There will be FIFTY randomly selected winners. Good Luck!
NOTE:Only registered members of Webkinz Insider are eligible to enter the random drawing. If you haven't yet signed up for an account, what are you waiting for? It's free, and it's fun! C'mon in and join us today!

New Christmas Theme Arrives in Webkinz World! *UPDATE*

Following this morning's maintenance in Webkinz World, the new 2011 Christmas Theme has arrived in the W Shop in your Webkinz World accounts!
One major difference from previous Christmas Themes is that this new theme is for Outside Yards and Treetoprooms only. The name of the theme is the Christmas Carol Theme, and it includes a flooring but no wallpaper. The flooring, called the Christmas Carol Cobblestones, is a removable 5 x 5 'carpet' and you will need four of them to cover the entire floor of your room.

12 Days Of Christmas Meaning

You can now find these sixteen items in the W Shop: the Cheery Christmas Home, Christmas Carol Cobblestones, Darling Garland Home, Festive Fountain, Festive Sidewalk Lamp, Festive Wreath Home, Fine Clothing Shop, Frosted Window Home, Gourmet Food Shop, Holiday Toy Shop, Snowy Holiday Fence, Tasty Treat Cart, Town Square Bench, Town Square Bulletin Board, Town Square Chair, and Town Square Tree.
Happy decorating!
*UPDATE* A seventeenth item has been added, the Festive Sidewalk Tree!

Gallery of Santakinz Pictures Returns for Christmas 2011

Originally Submitted by FIA on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 1:18pm, ET.
Santakinz has returned to Webkinz World! Now is the time to take your Webkinz to the Clubhouse to sit on Santakinz' lab and to tell him what they want for Christmas. As many of you know, after your Webkinz returns home, he/she will receive a message via KinzPost that contains a picture of your pet sitting on Santakinz' lap.
In 2009 and 2010, Webkinz Insider members collected these pictures to create the Gallery of Santakinz Pictures. This gallery contains a picture of every pet that exists in Webkinz World sitting on Santakinz' lap. Well, at least it did at the end of last year. Many, many Webkinz were added to Webkinz World in 2011, and we need YOUR HELP to fill in the gallery.
Before you go to visit Santakinz, please take a moment to review the pictures in the gallery, HERE. If you own a pet that is not pictured, please take that pet to the Clubhouse. Then, when you receive the picture by KinzPost, take a screen shot for the gallery. Remember, only one pet per account is allowed to go see Santakinz, so choose your pet carefully.
For assistance in uploading your picture to Webkinz Insider, please visit the Santakinz Gallery Project thread, located HERE, in the WIki Discussion area of the forum. Thank you to everyone for your help!
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Ms. Birdy Returns for Webkinz Christmas Countdown on December 14!

Originally Submitted by Webberlily on Thu, 12/01/2011 - 8:53pm, ET.
Webkinz Newz has just announced that Ms Birdy will be returning to the Webkinz Clubhouse for the Christmas Countdown on Wednesday December 14.
In this much anticipated event, Ms. Birdy can be found in the Clubhouse every day for the 12 days leading to Christmas. Each day she will give you a different prize. This will be the third year for this event. Mark your calendars! You don't want to miss the first day of this exciting event.
In what appears to be a departure from the way that it worked in previous years, it looks like Ms. Birdy will be easier to find this year, since Webkinz Newz states that she will appear only in the Santakinz Room. In previous years, Ms. Birdy was a bit elusive and hard to find. Our Webkinz Insider members had to form Tracking Threads to help each other to find her.
To learn more about the Countdown to Christmas,

Webkinz Players Wonder About Missing Christmas Items

Christmas is just a few weeks away, and all over the world people are counting down the days. It seems whoever at Ganz is responsible for setting up the announcements inside Webkinz World is a bit too excited about the coming of Christmas this year. All over the forum we are getting questions about items that are listed as being currently available but that aren't really there. Hopefully the items will all show up for purchase soon!
As we told you earlier, the Christmas Party Pack being shown on the announcement page is expected to go up for sale in the wShop next week, on December 7. We suspect that the Heartwarming Holiday Wreath and the Winter Wonders Window being advertised in the news crawler at the top of the Kinzville map will also be made available on that day, but so far there has not been any confirmation from Ganz. Both of these items were available for sale last year.
To get a look at all of the seasonal Holiday items, take a look at Webkinz Insider's Picture Gallery.

Seasonal 'Happy Holiday' Challenge Coming to Webkinz World on December 7

Ganz has started giving us a sneak peek at some of the new stuff we can expect to have in Webkinz World following Wednesday's site maintenance. Moments ago they announced that a new seasonal 'Happy Holidays' challenge will be added to the system. From December 7 to January 4, Webkinz pets will be able to complete special tasks to win holiday prizes. What fun!
To learn more about all of the Webkinz Challenges, visit the Webkinz Insider WIki, HERE.

Ms. Birdy Returns to the Clubhouse for Christmas Countdown 2011 *UPDATE*

Ms. Birdy has returned to Webkinz World, and to the delight of players everywhere, she is super easy to find! Instead of wandering around the Clubhouse, jumping from room to room, she stays put in the Santakinz Room, and she is there all day long. To collect your prize, just go to the Santakinz Room and click on her.
Remember, in order to collect all of Ms. Birdy's prizes, you need to click on her once a day for the next twelve days. If you miss a day, you can't go back and get that prize, unless you spend points at the Ganz eStore. To learn more about the Countdown to Christmas 2011, please visit the Webkinz Insider WIki.

Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics

Players who have Deluxe accounts but who have not adopted a new Webkinz in the past twelve months can't participate. When they click on Ms. Birdy a message pops up saying they are not allowed to get a gift. Since Deluxe accounts are supposed to have full access to Webkinz World, this appears to be a glitch.
Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas
Several of our members with Asian accounts discovered the glitch early on Tuesday, and they were able to get in contact with Ganz Customer Service to report the problem. Although there has not been any official word from Ganz, the word from several customer service representatives is that the programmers are looking into the problem and they hope it will be corrected soon.

Webkinz 12 Days Of Christmas Funny Version

UPDATE: The glitch has been fixed! Now, if you have a Deluxe account that has not adopted a pet in the past 12 months, you can get gifts from Ms. Birdy. If you missed out on the gift from day one due to this glitch, please contact Ganz to let them know. Reports from our members are that the Customer Service Reps are giving players 2000 eStore points so that the players can purchase the missing gift. To contact Ganz, please click HERE.