Webkinz X

Come a long way since the first one, eh? Only regret about this is it doesn’t show any of the artsy things I do on the channel, but I had no idea how to incorporate that into a song. Enter your Parent's Email to have your user name and password reset sent to them.

Super School Day on Tuesday, May 15th, at Kinzville Academy!

If your kinz love to learn new things, the best place to do that is at the Kinzville Academy. On Tuesday, May 15, the school doors will open on another Super School Day. During this time, the School Superintendent, Ms. Cowoline, will be awarding all her little students twice the credit for each class successfully completed!
Webkinz Insider members will be proud to see their pet earn some great prizes while achieving new Actions, improving their chances at Stadium Competition, and qualifying for that extra credit. They can even earn time outside on the school playground at Recess!
Best of all, there are never any school fees for your pets to attend class at the Kinzville Academy. That's right! The classes are absolutely free, so why not hurry over on Tuesday and take advantage of the double credit on Super School Day. Ms. Cowoline would say that it is a Mooo-velous idea!

Super School Day at Kinzville Academy on Friday, April 27th!

The school bell is ringing and Ms. Cowoline cordially invites all pets to class on Super School Day, Friday, April 27th at the Kinzville Academy! Once again, she is offering twice the class credit for every class that your Webkinz successfully completes on this day!
Whether your gifted pet is a fashionista, loves to prepare food, or enjoys spelling, there are classes to suit their interests at the Kinzville Academy! With both Basic Courses and Talent Courses in the school curriculum, each student can show off their best skills. Achieving higher grade levels means that your pet will also improve in Webkinz Stadium competitions, learn new actions and earn some wonderful prizes. After 15 full days of classes, your pet can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine on the playground at Recess time!
Webkinz Insider members wont want to miss this great opportunity to encourage their pet to achieve a higher education on Friday during Super School Day!! See you there!

Webkinz Insider Members wonder about new Stadium Competition

Our Webkinz Insider stadium competitors got a surprise this morning when they went to enter the Webkinz Stadium competition scheduled for 9AM. It appears that there may be a new competition, the Pro Inventing Competition. Although this competition appears in the 9AM slot it does not seem to be working at this point. Do we have a new trophy to look forward to?
To learn all about the Webkinz Stadium please visit our WIKI! Stay tuned for more details!!

Webkinz Hosts Post Cards and Gifts to Senders

Since discovering yesterday that we can add the hosts a few people have been diligently sending letters and gifts to them.
Now they have seen a return of letters as well as small items from the hosts of Webkinz World.
After sending 8 letters, you receive a Pen Pal Badge.
Thank you to Webkinz Insider Member Jenn, we can see what some of the gifts are. So far she has gotten letters back from some of the hosts and three gifts were included.
Why not help us keep track of what was sent and what was received.
For more information on Character Hosts in Webkinz World, check out our WIki.

Webkinz World Hosts Can Now be Added as Friends!

Ganz is continuing the celebration of Friendship Month by allowing players to add many of the Webkinz World 'hosts' as friends. In order to get the hosts to befriend you, you must complete a specific task for each.
  • Arte - look for gems in the Gem Hunt
  • Ms. Cowoline - complete three classes in the KinzVille Academy
  • Debbie - buy a ticket at the Travel Agency
  • Sheldon - buy an item at the Souviner Shack
  • Tabby - complete a job at the Employment Office
  • Amanda - make a wish in the Wish Factory
  • Fred - look at the Stadium schedule
  • PJ - buy an item at the KinzStyle Outlet
The host will then send you a Friend Request. Do not send a Friend Request through your Kinzphone. Thanks to WebkinzInsider member Oddmeister for this image of what the Friend Request will look like on your account:
Alternately you can send the host a Friend Request through your Kinzphone. Use the entire name of the host, with a space between first and last name: Arte Fact; Ms. Cowoline; Amanda Panda; Tabby Von Meow; Fred Rover; Debbie Dragon; Sheldon Turtle. You will know that these are hosts and not regular Webkinz users by the blue smiley next to their name on your Kinzphone.
Once these friends are on your friend list, you can invite them to play games and send them messages and gifts in KinzPost. Who knows what they might send you in return!
UPDATE: Thank you to Webkinz Insider member colliegal for letting us know that players who add all eight of the hosts to their friend lists are rewarded with a new MyPage badge.

WI Member Wins Bronze Running Race Trophy

Congratulations to Webkinz Insider member JuniperBerry on winning a Bronze Running Race Trophy in the Stadium today. Here you can see 'Lilac' posing with the trophy in her house. As expected, there are also Gold and Silver versions of this trophy. The new 'Running' event was added to Webkinz World early this morning.

New Competition in Stadium

Thank you to Webkinz Insider Members, Prrety11 and Shadowy we can report that we have a new event in the Stadium, Webkinz Running. So far it looks like a quick event as well as a scheduled event.
The story from Prrety11 as translated from the sneak peek page is this:
The webkinz stadium is a fantastic place where your webkinz can show off their talents. Fred Rover is very excited to announce new competitions!
If your webkinz likes to run and go to the strength class, these things are just perfect! You can watch the competitions and see the best runners win.
Enter your pets in the competition today at 2pm KT.

Stadium Competitors Wonder About Missing Amateur Events

Over the past week we have been getting posts from our members here on Webkinz Insider who are wondering where the Amateur events in the Webkinz Stadium have gone. Since the big Stadium update early last month, Ganz had been running one Amateur competition per day. Last week the events suddenly stopped appearing. The last Amateur competition was held in the Stadium on Thursday, August 19th.
Several of our members have contacted Webkinz Customer Support to try to find out what is going on, but at this point, we don't have a clear answer. Most of the reps our members have spoken with said they would refer this problem to the Tech Department. As soon as more information is made available, we will bring it to you here.

Webkinz Insider Members Win First AND Second Place in the New Deluxe Beauty Pageant!

Congratulations to Webkinz Insider members hpquinlan and funkyc63 on winning the new Deluxe Beauty Pageant Trophies from the Webkinz Stadium. Thanks to funkyc63 we can see the winners in the picture below. Here you can see hpquinlan's pet Scotch with the first place Deluxe beauty pageant trophy and funkyc63's pet Drooler with the second place trophy.
The regular beauty pageant trophies are shown below:

Webkinz Insider Members Win New Deluxe Cooking Trophies

Congratulations to Webkinz Insider members vcs28 and funkyc63 on winning newDeluxe Cooking Trophies in the Webkinz Stadium. Here you can see funkyc63's pet 'Drooler' posing with his trophy, and a comparison of the Deluxe (left) and Pro (right) versions of the trophies on vcs28's account. Also pictured above are the Gold and Bronze versions of the trophy.
(Redirected from Lil' Kinz)
Virtual plush toy world

Webkinz are stuffed animals that have a playable online counterpart, www.webkinz.com, in 'Webkinz World.' Webkinz were originally released by the Canadian toy company Ganz on April 29, 2005. The toys are enjoyed by a wide variety of age groups and are similar to many other small plush toys; however, each Webkinz toy has an attached tag with a unique 'Secret Code' printed on it that allows you to play with your pet in the 'Webkinz World' website. On Webkinz World, the Secret Code allows the user to own a virtual version of the pet for online play. Lil' Kinz are smaller, less expensive versions of Webkinz, while the Signature collection is larger, higher-quality, and slightly more expensive. Sales of plush Webkinz toys are limited to the United States and Canada, but international users can buy virtual pets from the online eStore.[1] In 2006, Webkinz had one million online accounts, and according to one estimate published in Wired they made $100 million in 2006.[2] In 2011, Webkinz made its first commercial on TV. Webkinz was updated in 2015 to Webkinz X, making it more kid-friendly.

Types of Webkinz[edit]

There are many types of Webkinz: regular pets, wild animals, mythical creatures, and made-up ones. They all come with codes that can be entered on the computer at www.webkinz.com Along with the regular Webkinz toys, there are also smaller, less expensive versions called Lil' Kinz as well as larger, slightly more expensive versions in the Signature collection launched in April 2009. The Signature collection later ended in December 2013. In May 2009, Birthstone Pets were released. One new Birthstone Pet was released for every month. In April 2010, Ganz replaced the Birthstone Pets with the Zodiac Pets. Again, one Zodiac Pet will be released every month. In 2011, CandyKinz were released. In June 2012, Rockerz Pets were released. In 2019, Ganz announced that no new plush pets would be released as of now, but purely virtual pets can still be purchased, accounts can be made, and the website still operates.[3]


Each Webkinz stuffed animal and Webkinz accessory comes with an 8-character code. By registering this code at www.webkinz.com, the customer 'adopts' this pet in the virtualWebkinz World. Without the code, the user will not get access to the full Webkinz World, but they can create a free account. On January 19, 2011, Ganz announced that Webkinz World accounts would no longer expire, meaning users would not have to buy a new pet each year to renew their account. However, some games, furniture, and other features are limited with a free account. Young adults who had active accounts on the website, have even revisited their pets to catch up on their health as an online trend.[4]

The Webkinz World is an online play area with its own economy completely controlled by Ganz. The user receives money (called KinzCash) by adopting new pets, playing online games, answering general knowledge questions, and through daily activities like clicking 'I love my Webkinz!', spinning the Wheel of WOW, playing Wishing Well 2, or completing jobs (minigames) available once every 8 hours. Each day, there is a Game of the Day which can be played for bonus KinzCash, and other bonuses are available each hour, full days on weekends and afternoons only on weekdays. With each Webkinz toy purchased, more KinzCash, rooms, and items are added to the user's account.

The online world also contains many rare or exclusive items. Some of these items require developing a friendship with the Curio Shop owner to purchase, while others are obtained by registering other Webkinz accessories purchased in the real world. Each type of pet gets a special item and food available exclusively for them. Also, a Pet of the Month is announced at the beginning of each month. If a person registers the announced pet in that month, they will receive other exclusive items.

Many of the tasks in Webkinz World involve collecting items. For example, recipes are released for the players through cookbooks or one of the TV shows called The Secret Chef. 'Gems' can be mined once a day at the Curio Shop, with a full set of gems being turned into the Webkinz Crown of Wonder and buy exclusive items. A similar feature called Alyssa's Star Challenge, involves users clicking on colored stars to find valuable stars.

Other features of Webkinz include:

  • The ability to create shows with the Webkinz Studio, and enter to be chosen to appear on the Webkinz TV.
  • Buying a swimming pool, a trampoline, and a treadmill where Webkinz can improve their health.
  • Sending gifts or letters to friends on a peer-to-peer network.
  • Inviting a friend over to your house, where you can chat and interact with some board games and items.
  • Participate in the hourly events, which can earn you prizes, KinzCash, and coupons, among other things.
  • Brushing, washing, and bathing your pet.
  • Setting up a party, inviting guests, playing games and giving out loot bags. (a Party Pack costs 750 to 1000 KinzCash)
  • Playing a variety of games such as gem mining.
  • Trading items with other players in a safe and fun way.
  • Reading virtual books exclusive to the Webkinz World.
  • Enrolling your virtual pet in school, or 'The Kinzville Academy' where your pet can learn and develop skills to help them compete in tournaments.
  • Decorating your pets' home. Furniture can be purchased via the W-shop in the Webkinz World.
  • Interacting with other players via the Webkinz Clubhouse, where players can play games such as 'Link'd' (Connect four), Checkers, and much more.
  • Shopping for clothes with your pet.

Webkinz Studio[edit]

  • The Webkinz Studio generally costs 1000 KinzCash in the W Shop.
  • There are currently 18 characters and 9 sets. One can buy more from the W Shop.
  • In 2008, a very strict dictionary was added to secure the words used in the studio.
  • In March 2010, Webkinz announced that the Studio had been 'enhanced' with more features, including 'slide transitions', the 'who speaks first' option, and character entrances and exits.
  • Also, the Studio can be found in the Curio Shop on a rare basis for less than 1000 KinzCash.


When a pet is registered at www.webkinz.com (or 'adopted'), it gives or renews an account's full membership features for one year. When the membership of a pet expires, the account becomes a free account, missing the ability to play some games, buy certain items, and do other things in the world. However, a player can renew their account again whenever.

There is also an upgrade to regular memberships called the Deluxe Membership which is available at the Ganz eStore. This is a premium membership with many features, benefits, games, and prizes to which regular accounts do not have access. Deluxe Members also receive free Webkinz eStore points at the time of purchase and at the beginning of each month afterward for the extent of the Deluxe Membership.

If one wants to register an account at www.webkinz.com without a pet code, they are permitted to select from 9 Ganz eStore Pets. Several limitations exist on free accounts that make many challenges and activities impossible. Free accounts can be upgraded to regular memberships or Deluxe Memberships at any time.[5]

W-Plus & Trading Cards[edit]

Aside from the Webkinz, Lil' Kinz, Signature, and Rockerz Pets, Ganz also has made other toys that can be used on Webkinz World. These are called W-Plus items, and all W-Plus items come with a secret code that can be used in the Code Shop in Webkinz World. These codes unlock items for the Webkinz Pets, like new room themes, clothing for pets, KinzCash, and other prizes.


These are all of the W-Plus items Ganz has released:[6]

  • Body spray and lip gloss—unlocks a piece of furniture for the Glam Boutique theme
  • Clothing for the Webkinz stuffed toys—unlocks the KinzStyle bag, which can be used to access the KinzStyle Shop. The KinzStyle Shop contains clothing that can't be found anywhere else.
  • Charms—gives access to Fairy Falls and Magic Mire.
  • Bookmarks—unlocks a Book Bag, allowing the user to choose one free book in Webkinz World.
  • Mousepads—unlocks an exclusive Mouse Pad Art Print, a hanging poster of the mouse pad.
  • School supplies—unlocks exclusive KinzPost stationary.
  • Pet carriers—allows the user to assemble an exclusive wardrobe from four choices.
  • Figurines—unlocks a virtual figurine and a unique prize (varies by figurine); also unlocks a display case that can be used to hold all the figurines.
  • Wacky Zingoz plush toy—gives access to Wacky Zingoz Extreme, an exclusive version of the game Wacky Zingoz.
  • Webkinz Trading Card binders—unlocks two exclusive podiums to hold the virtual binders.

Trading Cards[edit]

There are 4 series of Webkinz Trading Cards, of which 2 can be used (in virtual form) to play the challenge game. The cards come in booster packs, with 5 playing cards and a code card in each pack. In these packs, there are also chances of getting special cards as well, like free pet codes. In Series 1, you can also get Curio Shop Curiosities and Webkinz Doodlez.[7] In Series 2, there is At Paw Level and W-Tales Snapshots instead. These special cards are foil. For Series 1, 80 base cards have been released, 12 challenges, 8 Curio Shop Curiosities, and 8 Webkinz Doodlez. In Series 2, there are 85 base cards, 15 challenges, 8 At Paw Levels and 8 W-Tales Snapshots.[8] The cards are also W-Plus items, and they each come with 2-5 codes. 1 code on each card is for a virtual pack of Trading Cards, while the other 1-4 can unlock prizes like rare and exclusive themes or coupons. Series 3 changed the format, with only 1 feature code per pack, and no code for a virtual pack. The packs also included stickers and a chance to win a previously unheard-of Pet, the Magical Retriever. Also, Ganz has said that each Series 3 code gives you an item you cannot find anywhere else in Webkinz World. Series 4 has also been released, and the prize Pet, the Mystical Panda, replaces the Magical Retriever.

Ganz eStore[edit]

Webkinz X


The Ganz eStore is targeted to an older audience of the website, it can be used to purchase virtual pets, furniture and items with real currency. Sales of plush Webkinz and Lil' Kinz are limited to the United States and Canada, however, virtual pets can be purchased from the Ganz eStore by international residents. Secret Codes issued in conjunction with virtual pets can be used the same way as Secret Codes attached to plush pets.[1]

Deluxe Members get free Ganz eStore points every month.

Webkinz Cats

Webkinz games[edit]

Webkinz World has many games in which players can play to earn KinzCash. The website also has a wide range of multiplayer games for users to play against their friends and anyone else who wants to play at the time. There are some games specifically reserved for a premium tier of users, called Deluxe Membership.


Concerns have been raised about children's use and overuse of the toys. Parents may worry that children will become addicted to the game.[9] Some parents have voiced concerns about the website's online chat system. The KinzChat chat system has various safety precautions, with restrictions on who can send messages. Additionally, users cannot type, but can choose phrases to say from a list.[10] Concerns have also been raised about the toys being a distraction in school, occasionally resulting in them being banned from school grounds.[11][12] Concerns were also raised when the once advertisement-free site [13] started displaying advertisements, previously only for their own additional game-related products, but now also for movies, such as Alvin and the Chipmunks and Bee Movie.[14] There is an option that members can use to block ads that promote sites not sponsored by or affiliated with Webkinz or Ganz. However, if enabled, this option can not be changed until 30 days have passed.Rumors have circulated that malware is present.[15][16] In 2007 rumors spread about a character that would kill Webkinz on the site,[15][16][17] supposedly inserted by a disgruntled employee or a rival site.[16] These claims were dismissed by Webkinz.com[18]

Webkinz A Ganz Website


There has been problems in the past with connecting to the Webkinz World site. These range from technical problems with customer's internet browsers and unresponsive customer service[19] to programming problems at the Webkinz World site.[20] Changes made to the Webkinz World site have resulted in many disappointed users as newly introduced features often limit access to a small fraction (less than 1%) of users [21] and programming errors often reduce the ability of the remainder of the site to function at prior levels.[citation needed]


  1. ^ abWebkinz eStore
  2. ^'How to Take Money From Kids: Sell Toys Both Physical and Virtual'. Wired. August 13, 2007. Retrieved September 19, 2010.
  3. ^'Official Statement on the Future of Webkinz Plush Toys | WKN: Webkinz Newz'. Retrieved 2019-09-06.
  4. ^https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBgF8l08SR4
  5. ^http://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/announcements/help/
  6. ^Webkinz Collection Catalog
  7. ^Webkinz - Webkinz Trading Cards
  8. ^Webkinz - Trading Cards Series II Available Now! Read all about it!
  9. ^'Is the Webkinz Craze Bad for Kids?'. ABC News. 2007-04-12. Retrieved 2007-04-23.
  10. ^Pardo, Steve (2007-04-11). 'Kids hooked on Webkinz world'. The Detroit News. Retrieved 2007-04-23.
  11. ^Seltz, Johanna (2007-04-08). 'Toy causes classroom distraction'. The Boston Globe. Retrieved 2007-07-12.
  12. ^Lazarowitz, Elizabeth (2007-07-30). 'Webkinz: Big money lessons for little kids'. New York Daily News. Retrieved 2007-08-20.
  13. ^Barakat, Matthew (2007-07-13). 'Review: Webkinz pleases parents and children'. NBC News. Retrieved 2007-08-20.
  14. ^CCFC News - Webkinz takes heat for taking advertising
  15. ^ abDavis, Lisa (28 September 2007). 'Interactive Toys Like Webkinz Are Drawing Young Kids, Worrying Some Parents.' Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
  16. ^ abcMikkelson, Barbara; David Mikkelson (3 January 2008). 'Webkinz Murderer'. Snopes.com. Urban Legends Reference Pages. p. 1. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
  17. ^Schoberg, Diana (9 February 2007). 'Virtual Pet Threat: No Need to Worry, Kids Assured'. The [Quincy] Patriot Ledger.
  18. ^Webkinz.com='Webkinz' 'Concerned About a Rumor?'. Webkinz.com. Concerned About a Rumor. p. 1. Archived from the original on 2007-02-25. Retrieved 2019-08-09.
  19. ^Family Experiences Problem Interacting With Webkinz Online :: WRAL.com
  20. ^Morris, Keiko (2007-12-29). 'Tots have trouble logging on to Webkinz site'. Newsday. Archived from the original on 2008-12-07.
  21. ^Webkinz stadium sadness - Gamertell

External links[edit]

Webkinz X

Webkinz/x Come In And Play

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Webkinz&oldid=945405927'