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Websites Listing

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Webkinz Insider - Home | Facebook

WI Member Adopts Sold Out 10 Year Magic W Pup. Congrats to WI Member ThePinkNinja04 on their adoption of the 10 Year Magic W Pup. Webster is pictured here in his Pet Specific Item (PSI) The Happy Ten Years Bed.

DA: 16PA: 15MOZ Rank: 31

Webkinz - Come in and Play

Sign up for a free account to play games, care for your pets, make friends and decorate your rooms!

DA: 15PA: 15MOZ Rank: 16


r/Webkinz: Webkinz is a browser game that lets you put your plush pets online. Come in and play!

DA: 14PA: 11MOZ Rank: 25

Contact Ganz - Webkinz Insider Wiki

There is no longer a phone number for Webkinz Customer Service. You must be at least 18 years old to contact Ganz by telephone. Ganz eStore Telephone. Inside the USA & Canada: 1-888-818-8770 (9am to 5pm Eastern Time, Mon to Fri) Outside the USA & Canada: 1-888-818-8768. By e-Mail Webkinz World e-Mail

DA: 22PA: 18MOZ Rank: 40

Official Webkinz Blog, Contests, Tips, Games and Prizes

Play to earn exclusive Webkinz prizes and get the latest news about Webkinz World! Share the fun with your family and friends!

DA: 25PA: 25MOZ Rank: 26

UPDATE: Webkinz World Down for Maintenance | WKN: Webkinz Newz

UPDATE: Webkinz World is now up and running! Thanks for your patience! Attention Webkinz Fans! Webkinz World is currently down for maintenance! Our busy Eager Beavers are working hard to improve the servers and we will have the site back up for you later on today! Please note: no new content is being added to the site today.

Webkinz insider forum down

DA: 25PA: 50MOZ Rank: 75

Webkinz - Come in and Play


Webkinz World® is a multi-award winning virtual world for boys and girls aged 6+. On Webkinz.com, players discover a whole world of fun, caring and learning, while they adopt and play with their pets, decorate rooms, play games, collect prizes, and chat with their friends!

DA: 15PA: 11MOZ Rank: 26

Forum: Trading | WKN: Webkinz Newz

This forum contains 4 topics and 26,775 replies, and was last updated by Sally Webkinz 2 days, 20 hours ago.

Webkinz Insider Forum Webkinz World

DA: 25PA: 22MOZ Rank: 47

Homepage FAQ | WKN: Webkinz Newz

I accidentally adopted my new Webkinz Pet under a new user name – can I put my Webkinz Pet back on my original account? If your Webkinz Pets are on two separate accounts and you would like them to be on the same account, the accounts must be merged. It is possible for us to reset your new account if you have started it within the past 30 days.

DA: 25PA: 20MOZ Rank: 45

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Webkinz Insider Forum Webkinz World

To invite a friend over to your house on Webkinz: Go to 'Myhouse/my room.' once you are in a room, turn on your pager. If youhere a 'YOOHOO!' and see someone's user-name appear next to a greenopen-mouthed smiley face, you can then click on their name and thenchoose 'invite' on your phone. Then the person you invited caneither say no, or say yes, and then appear in your house, alongwith a doorbell sound, in the same room you are currently in. Itmight take a while for your friend to appear, because he/she mustload your room. To send someone home, choose Send All Home' andthey will leave. If you want to go to someone else's house, theyhave to follow the steps above. You don't have to be in your ownhouse to accept someone else's invitation.