- Webkinz I Like To Clown Around Books
- Webkinz I Like To Clown Around Sign
- Webkinz I Like To Clown Around
- Webkinz I Like To Clown Around Book
My sister has a Webkinz clownfish named Charlie. One of his eyes fell off, so now he only has one eye. I like to clown around. The clown fish is one of the most.

Clown Fish is the Pet of the Month for July!
Webkinz I Like To Clown Around Books
Bold and bright and dazzling – those words describe this cool Clown Fish to a tee! A natural entertainer, this jovial fish is guaranteed to tickle your funny bone! To grant this fish’s wish, pick up some Algae Alfajore!
The Clown Fish is one funny friend! You’re definitely going to LOL when you watch the Clown Fish’s comedy routine in”I Like to Clown Around” – even if the Orca Whale finds it less than amusing! The Clown Fish believes that life is all about taking it easy and having a good time – and keeping a sense of humor, no matter what! Watch the video “I Like to Clown Around” closely for a cool new collection of featured items that can be found in the Clown Fish Value Pack at both Webkinz and Ganz eStores!
The Clown Fish Value Pack contains one of each of the following items:
- Banana Peel – watch as your pet slips on this Banana Peel!
- Organic Sea Vaudeville Mask
- Vaudeville Judges Chair
- Judge’s Choice Comedy Stage
- Plus the added bonus of the I Like to Clown Around Album Cover for your pet’s room!
Webkinz I Like To Clown Around Sign
When you adopt a Clown Fish within the month of July, you’ll receive a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else. After you adopt the Pet Of The Month, you can download the MP3 of the song from Music Starz, the Webkinz Music Hall of Fame, within Webkinz World!

Clown Fish Online-only Pet will be available at Ganz eStore starting (12:01am) July 1, 2011 until July 31, 2011 (11:59pm EST).
Clown Fish Plush Pet will be available at Ganz eStore until July 15, 2011 (11:59pm EST).