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- I think I need help lol. Ignore the part where the doll is for sale because she's not anymore.well at least not for sale for anyone to buy.someones making payments on her.
- Shop for official Webkinz Plush Toys at's online store. Plus tons more Ganz Plush toys sold here.
Webkinz Come And Play Free
FORT WORTH, Texas — My daughter’s ninth birthday is in three days.
FORT WORTH, Texas — My daughter’s ninth birthday is in three days.
Please, please, please, do not let her get a Webkinz.
I’ve heard the horror stories about the cute little stuffed animals, which live a luxurious alternate lifestyle in their own online world.
The moms who had to sign in to Webkinz World every day while the kids were off at summer camp, feeding and playing with their children’s virtual pets so they wouldn’t get sick and have to go to the virtual doctor.
The daughter who left the dinner table to go to an online birthday party for a friend’s Webkinz.
The parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters who have been conned and cajoled into playing Webkinz computer games, to earn more KinzCash, to buy more stuff for virtual pets.
You see, it’s not enough just to give a Webkinz a pat on the head and a virtual doggie treat. Taking care of a Webkinz, or any other of this new breed of interactive toy, involves a lot of shopping and spending, on everything from clothes to toys to home furnishings.
Please, please, please, do not let my daughter get a Webkinz.
I do not want to play “Operation Gumball” just so her virtual puppy can have a pink tutu and a skateboard.
Webkinz are a serendipitous combination of Beanie Babies plus Tamagotchi plus video games plus social networking, and that’s made them the hottest — and most imitated — toy of the past couple of years.
Each Webkinz comes with a secret code that enables access to the Web site, along with $2,000 in KinzCash. To earn more KinzCash, kids can play games online, or work at virtual jobs or — often the easiest solution — buy more Webkinz out here in the real world.
All sorts of stuffed animals come with their own “online playgrounds” — Shining Stars, Kookeys, My E-Pets, to name a few. There are even plans for Tracksters, a line of die-cast cars that could race online.
Barbie and Bratz have just introduced interactive dolls aimed at slightly older girls, with more emphasis on fashion, makeovers and social networking. The Barbie Girls doll is actually an MP3 player, and the Be-Bratz doll comes with an optional bright pink webcam.
The theme common to virtually all of these toys is shopping. Whatever the currency of choice — Webkinz’ KinzCash; Shining Stars’ Glow Points; Barbie’s B-Bucks — it’s all about acquisition.
We’re Americans, after all, and the youngest entrants into our consumer culture must be trained to buy stuff.
But these online playgrounds are also training grounds for life in the digital world. Grown-ups play “The Sims” and “Second Life” (when you can unhook us from our e-mail and our BlackBerries). High school and college kids have MySpace and Facebook and “Halo 3”.
For tweens, there are and Nicktropolis.
And now the marketers have taken aim at kids 8 and younger, enticing them into the world of social networking with stuffed kitties and bears.
Online playgrounds for kids have become such big business that Disney just bought Club Penguin, an online world aimed at kids ages 6-14, in a deal worth up to $700 million.
Club Penguin doesn’t even come with stuffed penguins.
Online playgrounds make money in different ways; toy sales are only part of it. Some sites, like Club Penguin, charge subscriptions. Others, like Neopets, sell advertising, sometimes embedding it in the games.
“Our poor kids, they have targets on their backs. They’re the subject of branding from the moment they can turn on a commercial television station,” says Liz Perle, editor-in-chief of Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization that reviews media from a parental perspective. “Companies have learned the earlier you get to them, the more you can influence their brand loyalty later on. Kids trust what they see.”
Perle recommends that children younger than 8 not be allowed to play on such sites, because they don’t understand delayed gratification, or the difference between truth and advertising.
Beyond the KinzCash, Perle points out, there are very real expenses connected with such a lifestyle. “Kids are getting iPods and cellphones. It’s not just the hardware that costs money. You have to load it up with iTunes. You have to pay for a phone plan. You can’t play on Webkinz without an ISP provider, and that’s $40 a month,” she says. “The care and feeding of these technologies adds up.”
It’s not just the spending mentality that’s worrisome to parents. It’s also the amount of time kids spend plopped in front of the computer. “You have 24 hours in a day. How much of that do you want spent in front of a screen?” Perle asks. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a computer screen or a TV screen. It’s a screen. The body ain’t moving. Social interaction ain’t happening — not in the way you can see facial expressions, hear tones of voice, touch them or hold them — all the cues we’ve spent millions of years evolving to give us full, 360-degree communication.”
Privacy and online predators are less of a worry at sites for young kids. Webkinz World is no Facebook, after all. Any interaction between users is heavily monitored and highly restricted. There is no open, uncensored chatting.
There are playground bullies, though. Some kids cheat to get extra KinzCash. Cyberbullies spread nasty rumors about how Shining Stars can kill your Webkinz.
Parents need to watchdog the computer just like we do the TV. You know the drill: limit computer time; get homework and chores done first; monitor what your kids are playing; play with them to make it more social; keep the computer in a family room, not bedrooms.
“Help your children navigate through this cyber world the same way you help them navigate through the 3-D one.” Perle says. “Just as you’re involved in school, in teaching your kids to drive, in teaching them right from wrong — this is one more thing added to the parental plate. Because we didn’t grow up with it, it’s harder to teach it,” she says.
“But you have to be involved in your child’s online life, since this is going to be their world, so much more than ours.”
So what is to become of this generation of kids, coming of age with IM, MySpace, video games and virtual worlds?
The MacArthur Foundation, better known for its genius grants, has just launched a five-year, $50 million program to study how digital technology is changing the way our children think, learn, play, make judgments and relate to others — and what this means for families, schools and society. For starters, the foundation’s digital media and learning project ( is studying the idea that video games can be true learning tools.
Professor Sherry Turkle, director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self, worries that the fast pace of our tech life is robbing our children of the chance to learn to be quiet, reflective and patient. She also worries about what it means when we develop intimate relationships with machines, instead of people, and about how virtual pets can change our opinion of reality.
Turkle is fond of telling the story of the day she took her 14-year-old daughter to see an exhibit on Charles Darwin at the American Museum of Natural History. On display at the entrance were two Galapagos tortoises, which, being typical tortoises, didn’t move. Her daughter mused that they could have just used robots, instead. The other children in line agreed. They weren’t particularly interested in authenticity.
And kids themselves perhaps have a better grasp on all this than we give them credit for.
Rachel Dancer, 8, of Arlington, Texas, has three Webkinz, all puppies: a pug named Puggles, a lab named Blackie and a cocker spaniel named Fuzzy. “Blackie is my favorite because she is so soft,” Rachel says. Rachel can’t pet Blackie online.
Rachel enjoys the online component; she spends more time playing with her virtual Webkinz than with the real toys. Sometimes, she plays games online with her cousin, Sarah. (A side benefit: “The kids actually talk on the phone and keep in touch better now because of Webkinz,” says Rachel’s mom, Susan Dancer.)
But as much as Rachel likes her Webkinz, she’s well aware of the differences between real world and virtual, and she prefers the real world version.
“My dog Waggles can snuggle with me and play with me,” she says. “These can’t.”
There are about 50 Webkinz animals in circulation, from puppies and kitties to hippos and monkeys (around $12), as well as 30 or so smaller Lil’Kinz (around $10). Like Beanie Babies, old animals are retired, and new ones are released every month. Notable upcoming releases include a black cat for Halloween, a reindeer for Christmas and a “Love Frog” for Valentine’s Day. This summer saw the arrival of Webkinz trading cards and Webkinz charms, with their own sets of special secret codes. This fall sees the debut of Webkinz clothing and little-girl makeup.
Barbie Girls
MP3 music players designed to look like Barbies, with spare parts to change hair and clothes. The Web site, which features chatting and lots of shopping (with “B Bucks”), is still in Beta test mode. It’s accessible without buying a toy, but the toy opens up special features. $79.95.
Dolls wearing more makeup than clothes — these are Bratz, after all — come with crystal-studded USB drives that double as necklaces. Plug the drive into your computer to activate your online Bratz, make a MyPage, go shopping, get a makeover and chat with friends. Starting next month, stores will have gift cards worth extra points, for buying more virtual stuff. $29.99; not compatible with Mac or Vista.
Shining Stars
A lot like Webkinz, but not nearly as popular. When you activate your pet, you get to name a real star (although it won’t be recognized by the scientific community). A portion of the $15 retail price goes to the Starlight Starbright children’s charity.
Geared to older kids, Neopets was an online playground first, toys second. (The merchandising really kicked up after MTV bought the site a couple of years ago.) Neopets look like genetically modified critters — Aisha the cat has a long antenna, Gelert the doggy thing has enormously elongated ears, JubJub looks like a tribble with big eyes. Stuffed toy “plushies,” with secret codes that unlock special prizes online, are $7-$13.
Ty Girlz
From the folks who brought you Beanie Babies all those years ago, these are aimed at the older Barbie/Bratz crowd. The soft dolls have names like Cute Candy, Punky Penny and Sizzlin’ Sue. $12.99.
Bella Sara
The most imaginative and parent-pleasing of the toys on this list, Bella Sara starts as a set of trading cards, a la Pokemon. Designed by a Danish social worker to help young girls express their feelings, the cards feature horses, real and mythical. Enter each horse’s code online, and it comes to life in a stable where it needs to be fed, watered and groomed. But whoa! You don’t have to buy the apples, or the curry combs or anything. There’s no shopping involved. Instead, play games to earn trophies to display in your horses’ stalls. A pack of five cards is $1.99.
Swypeout Battle Racing
Trading cards that feature race cars and customizable parts, some for looking cool (rad rims, condor wings, screaming pipes), some for battle (flash mines, ice blasters, stink bombs). Online, you can race your customized cars against other kids’. To register, cards must be swiped through a special USB scanner. A starter kit, with the USB scanner and five cards, is $19.99. Additional packs of six cards are $7.99.

Webkinz are toy animals that each come with a single-use Secret Code found on the pet's tag that allows access to the Webkinz World website. Each Webkinz and Lil'Kinz comes with a special item, which users can put in their pet's room, and a unique food, which they can feed to their virtual Webkinz. Lil'Kinz are smaller than the usual Webkinz. Some Webkinz can only be bought online at the Ganz eStore. These certain pets are virtual only and do not come with a stuffed version. In August 2008, Ganz released its 100th pet, in October 2009, Ganz released its 200th pet, and in April 2010, Ganz released its 300th pet.
List of Webkinz Pets[edit]
Webkinz Jr Sign Up
Pet | Release Month | Type | More Info | Status |
Black and White Cat | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Cheeky Dog | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2006 | |
Cheeky Cat | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2006 | |
St. Bernard | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Gold and White Cat | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Basset Hound | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Pig | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Lion | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Hippo | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Golden Retriever | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Elephant | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Retired June 2008 |
Cow | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Cocker Spaniel | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Black Bear | May 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Unicorn | June 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Monkey | June 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2008 | |
Gray and White Cat | July 2005 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Pig | November 2005 | Lil'Kinz | Pet of the Month | Retired September 2010 |
Black Bear | November 2005 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Cocker Spaniel | November 2005 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Black and White Cat | November 2005 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Monkey | 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Retired January 2008 | |
Unicorn | 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Retired December 2007 | |
Gorilla | 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Retired December 2007 | |
Poodle | January 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Rabbit | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Hippo | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Cow | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Basset Hound | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Golden Retriever | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Frog | January 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Pug | January 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Tiger | February 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Rabbit | February 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Pegasus | April 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Retired February 2007 | |
Gorilla | April 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Retired December 2007 | |
Chihuahua | April 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Lion | May 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Elephant | May 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
St. Bernard | May 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Gold and White Cat | May 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Horse | May 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2007 | |
Pug | May 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Retired October 2014 |
Alley Cat | May 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
White Terrier | May 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Pink Poodle | June 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Cheeky Monkey | June 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Retired October 2008 |
Poodle | July 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Chihuahua | July 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Frog | August 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Horse | July 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Yorkie | July 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Googles | September 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Tiger | September 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Retired December 2009 | |
Googles | September 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Panda | September 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Gray and White Cat | October 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Alley Cat | October 2006 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Orca Whale | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Polar Bear | October 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Tree Frog | November 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Love Puppy | December 2006 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired March 2007 |
Panda | 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Retired March 2008 | |
Pink Pony | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Bulldog | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Bullfrog | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Persian Cat | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
White Terrier | January 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Leopard | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Sherbet Bunny | January 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired March 2007 |
Koala | February 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Black Lab | February 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Tree Frog | March 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Beagle | March 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Yorkie | April 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Spotted Frog | April 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Clydesdale | April 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Dalmatian | April 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Persian Cat | May 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Raccoon | June 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired January 2008 | |
Chocolate Lab | June 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Husky | June 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Black Friesian | July 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired February 2008 | |
Black Cat | August 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month/Seasonal | Released |
Yellow Lab | October 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2008 | |
Reindeer | October 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month/Seasonal | Released |
German Shepherd | October 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2008 | |
Penguin | November 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2008 | |
Collie | November 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Brown Arabian | November 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Seal | November 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Koala | December 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Penguin | December 2007 | Lil'Kinz | Retired October 2008 | |
Charcoal Cat | December 2007 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Black Poodle | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Grey Arabian | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Duck | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month/Seasonal | Retired July 2013 |
Polar Bear | January 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Bulldog | January 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Tie Dye Frog | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Velvety Elephant | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Turtle | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Love Frog | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Pinto | January 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Leopard | February 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Kangaroo | February 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2010 | |
Schnauzer | February 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Pink and White Cat | February 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Bullfrog | February 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Himalayan | February 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Black and White Cheeky Dog | February 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2008 | |
Black Lab | March 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Retired November 2008 | |
Pink Poodle | March 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Dalmatian | March 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Retired November 2008 | |
Tiger Snake | March 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Bengal Tiger | March 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Brown Dog | March 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
White Mouse | April 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Leopard Lizard | April 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
American Cocker Spaniel | April 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Chicken | April 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Samoyed | May 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Black Poodle | May 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Chicken | May 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Whimsy Dragon | May 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Rhino | May 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2008 | |
Lioness | May 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Gecko | May 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Black and White Cheeky Dog | June 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Striped Snake | June 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Pink Googles | June 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Siamese Cat | June 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Clydesdale | June 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Lemon Lime Gecko | June 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Spotted Leopard | July 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Rottweiler | July 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired January 2010 | |
Crocodile | July 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Toco Toucan | July 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2008 | |
Grey Wolf (eStore) | July 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Blue Jay | July 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Lioness | August 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Gecko | August 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Deer | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2008 | |
Silverback Gorilla | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Cocoa Dinosaur | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2008 | |
Magical Retriever | August 2008 | Virtual Only | Trading Card Promo Pet | Released |
Manatee | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2009 | |
Fantail Goldfish | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2008 | |
Skunk | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
American Albino | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2008 | |
Caramel Lion | August 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Bat | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired July 2013 |
Seal | September 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Floral Fox | September 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Chickadee | September 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Sheep | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2008 | |
Bottlenose Dolphin | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Eagle | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2009 | |
Floppy Pig | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2008 | |
Chipmunk | September 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired May 2009 | |
Snowman | October 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Clown Fish | October 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Bubblegumasaurus | October 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Tinkerpup | October 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Pink and White Dog | October 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired September 2008 | |
American Buffalo | October 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2008 | |
Porcupine | October 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Blue Trigger Fish | October 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Hummingbird | October 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Purple Monster | October 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Cat | November 2008 | Virtual Only | Demo Pet | Released |
Mutt | November 2008 | Virtual Only | Demo Pet | Released |
Grey Langur | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Camel | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Cardinal | November 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Husky | November 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Fire Fawn | November 2008 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Orca Whale | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Parakeet | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Dachshund | November 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Wintermint Reindeer | December 2008 | Virtual Only | Employee Christmas Pet | Released |
Minty Reindeer | December 2008 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Sea Otter | December 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2010 | |
Hedgehog | December 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Grey Squirrel | December 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2008 | |
Black Panther | December 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2009 | |
Seahorse | December 2008 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Brown Cow | December 2008 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2008 | |
American Golden | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Purple Floral Fox | January 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Groundhog | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Purple Goldfish | January 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Blossom Fish | January 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Emperor Dragon | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired January 2014 | |
Key Lime Dino | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Love Monkey | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Chimpanzee | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Grey Owl | January 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Canary | January 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Mystical Panda | February 2009 | Virtual Only | Trading Card Promo Pet | Released |
Lamb | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Lamb | February 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Seasonal | Released |
Phoenix | February 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Cotton Candy Bunny | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Pelican | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Mountain Goat | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Irish Setter | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Spotted Turtle | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Blue Whale | February 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Love Dino | February 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Pink Glitter Fish | February 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Violetwing Butterfly | March 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Domino Cat | March 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Spotty Dinosaur | March 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Robin | March 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Griffin | April 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Springtime Celebration Bunny | April 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Boston Terrier | April 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
White Swan | April 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Ring Tailed Lemur | April 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Arctic Fox | April 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Released |
Guinea Pig | April 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Released |
Signature Panda | April 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Polka Black Fish | April 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Zebra | May 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Blue Googles | May 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Jack Russell | May 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Emerald Lab | May 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Green Shimmer Snake | May 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Signature Chimpanzee | May 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Budgie | May 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Springer Spaniel | June 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Cherry Blossom Bird | June 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Prehistoric Mammoth | June 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Pearl Pup | June 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Signature Golden Retriever | June 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Oriole | June 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Fox | July 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2013 | |
Tawny Pup | July 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2009 | |
Walrus | July 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Cotton Candy Sheep | July 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Ruby Retriever | July 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Signature Raccoon | July 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Tomato Clown Fish | July 2009 | Lil'Kinz | Released | |
Lava Dragon | August 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired October 2009 |
Lionfish | August 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Mocha Pup | August 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Iguana | August 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Silversoft Cat | August 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Green Seadragon | August 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Peridot Dog | August 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Pterodactyl | August 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Signature Calico Cat | August 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Caterpillar | September 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Pucker Fish | September 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Rooster | September 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Opossum | September 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Released |
Sabertooth Tiger | September 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Rainforest Boa | September 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Sapphire Spaniel | September 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Signature Cocker Spaniel | September 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Giraffe | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired September 2013 | |
Citrus Dragon | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Pink Cockatoo | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Mud Hippo | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Peppermint Puppy | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired December 2010 |
Strawberry Cloud Leopard | October 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Released |
Trick or Treat Troll | October 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Cloud Sheep | October 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Opal Pup | October 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Signature Timber Wolf | October 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Ribbon Unicorn | November 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired January 2010 | |
Weimaraner | November 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Retired February 2010 |
Llama | November 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Blufadoodle | November 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Shark | November 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Topaz Terrier | November 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Spotted Sea Monster | November 2009 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Signature Cheetah | November 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Baby Penguin | December 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Moose | December 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Daisy Tortoise | December 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Retired September 2010 | |
Glamour Gecko | December 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Store Exclusive | Released |
Love Lion | December 2009 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired February 2010 |
Zircon Puppy | December 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Sweet Tooth Tiger | December 2009 | Virtual Only | Employee Christmas Pet | Released |
Mistletoe Mouse | December 2009 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Signature Penguin | December 2009 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Ginger Cat | January 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired June 2010 | |
Marshmallow Bunny | January 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Released |
Portuguese Water Dog | January 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Triceratops | January 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired January 2010 | |
Clover Puppy | January 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Seasonal | Retired July 2013 |
Ice Fawn | January 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Sock Monkey | January 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Garnet Rover | January 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Candy Leopard | January 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Signature German Shepherd | January 2010 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Beaver | February 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Old English Sheepdog | February 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired September 2013 | |
Tree Kangaroo | February 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Love Kitten | February 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Carousel Horse | February 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Amethyst Hound | February 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Signature Dutch Bunny | February 2010 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Peace Puppy | March 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Bubblegum Cheeky Cat | March 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired July 2010 | |
Ferret | March 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired August 2010 | |
Shar Pei | March 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2013 | |
Cheshire Cat | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Blue Springtime Chick | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Yellow Springtime Chick | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Purple Springtime Chick | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Shamrock Dragon | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal | Released |
Aquamarine Puppy | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Sparkling Pegasus | March 2010 | Virtual Only | Promo Kinz Pet | Released |
Signature Pig | March 2010 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Small Signature Beagle | March 2010 | Regular Small Signature | Released | |
Signature Endangered Bengal Tiger | March 2010 | Regular Endangered Signature | Released | |
Dazzle Dachshund | April 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Donkey | April 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired September 2010 | |
Rainbow Armadillo | April 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Warthog | April 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released | |
Thunderbird | April 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Afghan Hound | April 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Pom Pom Chinchilla | April 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Diamond Doggy | April 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Birthstone Pet | Released |
Taurus Bull | April 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Zodiac Pet | Released |
Signature Short-Haired Yorkie | April 2010 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Small Signature Fox | April 2010 | Regular Small Signature | Released | |
Signature Endangered Asian Elephant | April 2010 | Regular Endangered Signature | Released | |
Blueberry Cheeky Dog | May 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2010 | |
Pom-Pom Kitty | May 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Pet of the Month | Released |
Spotted Seal | May 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired November 2010 | |
Stegosaurus | May 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Retired October 2010 | |
Sunflower Lion | May 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Magnificent Macaw | May 2010 | Virtual Only | Released | |
Gemini Butterfly | May 2010 | Virtual Only | Seasonal; Zodiac Pet | Released |
Signature Cow | May 2010 | Regular Signature | Released | |
Small Signature Black Bear | May 2010 | Regular Small Signature | Released | |
Signature Endangered Cape Mountain Zebra | May 2010 | Regular Endangered Signature | Released | |
Blueberry Cheeky Dog | May 2010 | Regular Webkinz | Released |