Webkinz Clothing Recipes

Sep 18, 2010  The clothing machine recipes on Webkinz are three articles of clothing mixed into one machine to make a brand new clothing item You will have to buy each item, put it.

Patched Denim Jacket

Green Layered Tee
Purple Layered Tee
The Patched Denim Jacket can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Green Layered Tee + Purple Layered Tee + Jeans. The solution for this can be found by clicking the 'i' in the upper-left corner of the Clothing Machine.

Patchwork Hat / Jacket / Pants

The Patchwork Hat, Patchwork Jacket, and Patchwork Pants can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining an incorrect combination of clothing (a combination that is not a correct solution for a recipe). Which item you receive is random, so you can put the same three items in multiple times and get a different patchwork item each time.

Pretty Plaid Gown

The Pretty Plaid Gownis a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on October 26, 2011.

Prismatic Dress

Dude Hat
Flower Power Swimsuit Top
Wide Tan Pants
The Prismatic Dresswas can be created in the Clothing Machine by combining: Dude Hat + Flower Power Swimsuit Top + Wide Tan Pants. It was introduced to Webkinz World on July 7th, 2010.

Racecar Driver Outfit

The Racecar Driver Outfitis a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on October 26, 2011.

Rad Rainbow Overalls

Cuffed Jeans
Polka Dot PJ Bottom
Rainbow Boots
The Rad Rainbow Overalls is a Webkinz Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on December 8th, 2010. The solution was first reported by Webkinz Insider member steffeefacee on June 12, 2011.

Rockin' Fringe Vest

The Rockin' Fringe Vestis a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on October 26, 2011.

Seaside Sarong

Bright Green Swim Trunks
Summer Fun Swimsuit Top
Wide Tan Pants
The Seaside Sarong is was introduced in September, 2009. It was solved in December 2011 by fumble99.

Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket

The Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced in September, 2009.

Sparkly Silver Suit Pants

Tan Suit Pants
Sparkly Pink Bow
Tuxedo Shoes
The Sparkly Silver Suit Pants can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Tan Suit Pants + Sparkly Pink Bow + Tuxedo Shoes. Solved by Webkinz Insider member JINGLES139.

Speedster Cap

The Speedster Cap is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on December 8th, 2010.

Starry Starry Hat

Purple Mod Hat
Star Fly Pants
Wizard's Hat
The Starry Starry Hat can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Purple Mod Hat + Star Fly Pants + Wizard's Hat. Solved by Webkinz Insider member Pixel Pony.

Strawberry Hat

Green Layered Tee
European Flare Shades
Red Bow
The Strawberry Hatcan be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Green Layered Tee + European Flare Shades + Red Bow.Solved by Webkinz Insider member 8arose.

Stunning Kimono

Chalk Flower Top
Bright Green Swim Trunks
Smocked Sundress

Webkinz Clothing Recipes 2019

The Stunning Kimonocan be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Chalk Flower Top + Bright Green Swim Trunks + Smocked Sundress. Solved by Webkinz Insider member dawnscott1.

Super Funky Hoodie


Webkinz Clothing Recipes Super Funky Hoodie

Webkinz Clothing Recipes

Webkinz Clothing Machine Recipes Rare

The Super Funky Hoodieis a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on October 26, 2011.