Webkinz Blog

  1. Ganz World Webkinz Blog
  2. Lamberts Webkinz Blog

Monday, March 16 is Player Appreciation Day in Webkinz World – the gift item is a Clover Mosaic Tile.image in comments. This item is not tradeable or sellable.If you would like to add it to your Webkinz account, log in to Webkinz.com (web only) on March 16 and visit Today’s Activities, which can be found in the Things To Do menu, then click to collect your gift.


Community Codes Page

last updated: 3/20/20

Webkinz Blog

New – no expiration date:
A pair of cupcakes: W245-SYMC-DYTV-ZSQU (from Podkinz 133) (combine on stove with honey for a presentable cupcake)
Random Glam Boutique Item: W24E-XWQ9-GUZF-XHNJ (from Podkinz 122)
Painted Glass Blue Table w24j 9kk5 wtx7 w4bw

Webkinz BlogWebkinz Blog

Expires March 31, 2020
2/1 email code: w24p w86a nrnq mzz8
Aurora Borealis Flooring: w24g d6zg 6n2z bfg8
Aurora Borealis Flooring: W24U 7T88 8AZK S6Z8
Holiday Elf Plushie: W24G-X7ZK-TWZH-CWEC
Random Build-a-Snow-Fort Item: W24Q-PA8W-JHN7-T4N4 (not kinzpostable) (from email 1/28)
Festive Holiday Tree: W24L-HNYP-9AHD-TALC
2/21 email code W24E 2EF4 BJKG DNXY

Expires April 30, 2020
Potted Icicle Tree: W24X-496Q-VN4K-PJ6U
Neon Green Goggles: W246-R54U-TA25-YUVY
Valentine’s Card: W24R-NKCH-BQFJ-UMNC
Polar Bear Toque: W24G-QFLJ-9WKB-CEZL
Rescue Team Pet Pack: W248-L38A-Z2YL-KJSW

Expires May 31, 2020
Fine Chocolatier Shop w243 gg34 k3wk 5v67 from podkinz 134

June 30, 2020
Cattails Lamp W245-2P6D-SRQV-RGNN
Dragonfly Dining Table W248-ERZK-7XKR-LMZN
Squishy Swamp Dresser W249-JSHA-JC5N-QSTC
Butterfly Chair W24V-NYWP-VZ4Y-MZD8
Hoppity Sofa W24F-EDAH-7RXS-Z9R8

July 31, 2020
2019 Milk chocolate egg W249 4D8N AJGA N6PN from podkinz 136


Ganz World Webkinz Blog

No expiration date:
Classic Movie Studio Prize (podkinz 106) w24e-zezt-83vj-ryme
Coloring Book Poster: W24Y-AMRJ-YX6D-D27S (not kinzpostable)
Dr. Quack’s Miracle Tonic: W24A-M5D9-VB3W-RDSL (not kinzpostable)
Dr. Quack’s Miracle Tonic: W24S-5H7K-VNHU-S2ZU (not kinzpostable)
Podkinz Host Chair: W24Q-PAF8-VGDC-6FZ8 (not kinzpostable)
Podkinz Recording Booth: W24Y-D7F5-XCCA-HXTG (not kinzpostable)
: W24J-48HJ-WHUP-DWHY (not kinzpostable)
Moonberry Gift Basket: W24W-GZNN-7LR2-G3AJ (not kinzpostable)



Expires January 31, 2020
Rickety Haunted Cottage Building Kit: W24U-67VS-CLBA-7LA8 (from Podkinz 129)
Black Batty Bat Hat: W24R-A56M-N2QF-HC48
Random eStore Peppermint Clothing: W249-M4B8-Q4UJ-CEGE (from 12/2 email) (not kinzpostable)
Bowl of Mixed Nut Medley (food) OR small chance of eStore nutcracker: W24D-HH9A-FNMA-PBTL (from 12/26 email) (eStore items not kinzpostable)
Random Wintery/Snowy eStore Items: W242-ZWPD-T8ZF-GCZS (not kinzpostable)

Lamberts Webkinz Blog

February 29, 2020
Colorful Holiday Candle: W24G-XAK6-EAH9-2JR4
Holiday Place Setting: W24P-E7AL-FGVH-E3EU
Holiday Ornament Basket: W24Y-UWEN-XEEH-LUE6
Kinzville Holiday Snowglobe: W24J-UH5D-3KD9-MTFG
Holiday Apron: W244-Z4V4-WKZN-3SLA (NEW)
Midnight Magnolia Supreme Sapling: W243-N9LB-HUVB-YWKL