Webkinz Amazon

Webkinz signature amazon

  1. Webkinz On Amazon
  2. Webkinz Amazing World

The Aardvark was advertised as the webkinz of the month for January but when January came the webkinz of the month was a deer. I looked back on amazon and when I searched up the webkinz of the month aardvark the deer was under it with the description of webkinz of the month for February.

Webkinz World is a great place to learn and play!

Webkinz On Amazon

Webkinz amazing world login
  • Your child can learn lots of fun facts at Quizzy's. The questions at Quizzy's are age-appropriate, and most are educationally based.
  • We also have several arcade games that promote learning:
    • Lunch Letters helps children to learn how to type and spell
    • Quizzy's Word Challenge aids in spelling
    • Operation Gumball encourages children to think logically
  • Webkinz Newz and the W Tales encourage reading, and our many contests encourage writing, creativity, and problem-solving.
  • Your child can learn about money in Webkinz World; by earning KinzCash, your child learns how to save and spend money.
  • Webkinz World also helps to teach children about responsibility, caring for a pet, and getting along with others.

Webkinz Amazing World


Webkinz World is getting better and better all the time.
We hope you and your child will come on in and play!