If you already have an account have your parent visit the Parent’s Area from the home page and create a Parent’s Account. The parent’s email they use to create their Parent’s Account can also be used to recover your Webkinz World user name and password. Then, if you ever forget your login information, just click the “Forgot Login?” button on the login screen, choose the Parent’s Email option, and then enter the parent’s email they used to create their Parent’s Account. Your user name and a link to reset your password will then be sent to that address and you’ll be back in Webkinz World taking care of your pets in no time!

I Forgot My Webkinz Username And Password Number

Forgot Password Or Username
Click 'forgot my password' where u would usually login. Type in the magical secret code 2 fill out the username section, try to remember what it was. Or, call GANZ with your secret code so they can track down ur username. Complete the 'forgot my password' section. Thatz how u do it. Nov 10, 2013 I forgot my Webkinz user and password but i have the codes? I had at least 50 webkinz pets when i was younger and all the sudden i want to check it out again. But i forgot my username, password, email, and all the other information on it. But i do still have all my codes! Can i look up my codes and go from there? Or what can i do with just the. If you remember your username, you can call Webkinz (1-866-932-5469) and get them to reset your password. They will ask you a few questions and PRESTO!! New password.