Webkinz Trading Cards

  1. Webkinz Trading Card Game Instructions
  2. Cheap Webkinz Trading Cards
  3. Webkinz Trading Cards Value

Make Offer - Webkinz Trading Cards 35 Pack Lot Series 2 New Factory Sealed. Lot Set Of 2 Boxes Ganz Webkinz Trading Card Packs. $23.99 +$9.20 shipping. The number of Webkinz Doodlez from Webkinz trading cards is 8. These are foil cards and provide information on the designing process of Webkinz items, characters and games and so on.One card in this pack contains feature codes, which can number up to 5. Sign up for a free account to play games, care for your pets, make friends and decorate your rooms!

Webkinz Trading Cards are collected and traded throughout the world. One can also play wonderful games with them. There are a wide variety of Webkinz Trading Cards like Challenge Cards, Webkinz Doodlez and Curio Shop Curiosities.

More about Webkinz Trading Cards
People particularly children are very much fond of Webkinz Trading Cards. The initial series of Webkinz Trading Cards comprises of base set cards. Children’s favorite Webkinz cartoon characters, pets and a host of other things are imprinted on these initial Webkinz Trading Cards.

Apart from the base set, there are a number of exotic subset cards. These are Challenge Cards, Webkinz Doodlez and Curio Shop Curiosities

Subset of Webkinz Trading Cards

Challenge Cards

Webkinz Challenge Trading Cards can be used for playing the engrossing ‘Challenge’ game. This can be played with multiple or single player. Players can combine their cards for playing the game.
A player can even construct his own deck for truly testing his playing skills.The number of collectible Challenge Cards is 15. These cards can also be used for the purpose of playing online games. It is called Trading Card Challenge game and the game is played in the Tournament Arena.

Webkinz Trading Card Game Instructions

Webkinz Doodlez

The number of Webkinz Doodlez from Webkinz trading cards is 8. These are foil cards and provide information on the designing process of Webkinz items, characters and games and so on.One card in this pack contains feature codes, which can number up to 5.

Curio Shop Curiosities

Curio Shop Curiosities are foil cards. These cards display some of the popular Webkinz Trading Cards that are considered as rare items by the industry. The cards also display the history of these rare items. Comments from Arte are also present on these cards. The number of Curio Shop Curiosities Webkinz Trading Cards is 8.

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Last Updated on : 18th July 2013

Webkinz Trading Cards Value

Giving eStore points as a gift just got a lot easier with a Webkinz Game Card!

Learn More about Webkinz Game Cards below!

How do I use a Webkinz Game Card?

Webkinz Game Cards are redeemed for eStore Points, which can be used at both the Ganz eStore (ganzestore.com) or at the Webkinz WShop within Webkinz World. Purchased game cards can be redeemed by following the instructions below.

To use your Game Card in Webkinz World:

  • Log into your Webkinz account.
  • Open the Things to Do menu and go to the Webkinz eStore.
  • Enter the code found on your Game Card into the eStore Points Code field.
  • Click the 'Redeem Code' button.
  • If you entered the code correctly, the points will be added to your account and you’ll be able to start shopping right away!

To use your Game Card at the Ganz eStore:

  • Log into your Ganz eStore account.
  • Click on 'eStore Points' in the Nav Bar.
  • Scroll down, past the options to buy eStore Points.
  • Enter the code found on your Game Card into the Redeem Points Code field.
  • Click the 'Redeem' button.
  • If you entered the code correctly, the points will be added to your Ganz eStore account and you’ll be able to start shopping right away!
What are eStore Points?
eStore Points are the currency used to purchase premium virtual items for all Ganz virtual worlds.
What can I buy with eStore Points?
In Webkinz World you can purchase exclusive premium virtual items and clothing for your Webkinz pets that cannot be purchased any other way. If you enter your code at the Ganz eStore, you can also use your points to purchase Virtual Webkinz Pets, Virtual Charms for the Charm Forest and virtual MAZIN' Hamsters.
Can I trade or sell items purchased with eStore Points?
Items purchased through either eStore cannot be traded, sent through KinzPost or sold at the W Shop.
What happens if I don’t want my eStore item anymore?
There are no refunds or exchanges on virtual items purchased with eStore points. Please only purchase items you are sure that you want.
Do eStore Points expire?
eStore Points do not expire. They can be used at any time while your account is active.
What happens if my Webkinz account expires?
To use your eStore Points and the items purchased with your eStore Points, your account must be active. If your account expires, you will need to adopt a new Webkinz pet, or sign up for a Deluxe account, which keeps your account open for as long as you are a Deluxe member.
I entered my code and nothing happened, or I got the wrong amount.
For technical issues with the redemption of your Game Card, please contact our eStore Customer Service team at ganzestorecs@ganz.com.