Webkinz Email Support

Here's the compilation of ways to contact Webkinz: (Let us know how it works out for you.)

Oct 08, 2007  Webkinz Customer support question? What is the webkinz customer support email? 1 decade ago. Webkinz support's email is support@webkinz.com.I hope I helped! I can't get an answer to an issue I'm having. Is there a phone number to call to get support and not.

1) On webkinz.com it says to log in to Webkinz World and go to the Contact Us section of the Newz. (The site was down while during this post, so I don't have further instructions. In fairness to them, it is 2:23 am CST and kids should be in bed now.)
2) Webkinz Customer Service number: 1-866-932-5469. These are the instructions you'll currently hear:

Webkinz Help

  • Send an e-mail to support@webkinz.com
  • The number won't accept voicemail.
  • Enter your service code if you have it. (I think you get this after you e-mail them.)
If you wait a minute after the recording stops, you'll hear the Mailbox for the Help Desk' recording with instructions to:
  • Leave your first name and phone number. A service representative will call you back.
  • If you've left a message w/in the past 24-48 hours, don't leave another one.
  • Office hours are M-F, 9am - 5pm EST.
3) Contact info for Ganz, the parent company, is: 1-800-724-5902 or customerservice@ganz.com.

Webkinz Email Support

4) Here's the WHOIS info listed on the Ganz.com domain registration:
Registrant: Ganz
Leo Campione
1 Pearce Rd
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L-3t2, Canada

Webkinz Customer Support Email

5) Per a post on complaints.com, Professional Marketing is the PR agency for Ganz. (They have their work cut out for them.) Their phone number is 616.949.9104.HelpContact

Webkinz Email Address

I used the 'solutions' label for this post hoping that one day theses numbers will be the solution to getting help with your Webkinz.